The mission part 4

The mission part 4


POV - Scott Summers

"DO IT NOW!" He yelled out loudly.

Magneto raised his arm but before he could do anything a huge fireball hit his back.

Magneto had a confused face as he went down.

The rest of the brotherhood looked at John Allerdyce, they thought he had betrayed them. Of course they didn't know that in a couple of seconds all of them wouldn't be able to move an inch.

He nodded to Jean, it was her responsibility to hold down Magneto with her telekinesis as they dealt with the remaining pests.

"I swear, I don't know why I did that-" Pyro started giving out excuses.

For a team that's supposed to be really dangerous, they were an uncoordinated bunch. The distraction proved useful as the brotherhood's unity was broken.

"Bobby, freeze their legs!" He yelled out, wanting to fully incapacitate them when they were distracted.

"Got it boss!" Bobby in an instant used his powers to completely freeze all of their feet.

"What the hell is going on?-" Before Juggernaut could finish, he slid the intensity of his visor to the highest and directed his beam at the monstrous man.

"Ahhh FUC-" He screamed and fell to the ground.

"Bobby, freeze his ass especially bad, he has an anti-psychic helmet!"

Bobby did as he was told and made sure to cover the giant man's body with thick ice.

Sabretooth yelled at Pyro, "Hey you fucker! Use your flames." Pyro seemed to be confused, his gifts didn't work anymore. The professor completely nullified it.

When he saw the traitor in despair, he couldn't help but smile.

'Serves you right!'

"HEY PYRO, are you working for them..ah fuck it." Sabretooth gave up on talking when he realized that a thick layer of ice had started to form under his feet. He tried to thaw it out.

That's when Wolverine jumped to where he was with both of claws retracted.

"HEY VICTOR, PAY ATTENTION to your environment buddy!"

He cut through bone and flesh indiscriminately and made Sabretooth into minced meat.

Toad was still up, hanging from the ceiling. He tried to jump to save Magneto but guess he didn't listen to Wolverine warning them not paying attention to their environments.

Storm used a very strong gust of wind to make Toad slip. Bobby then focused on freezing both of his legs.

In seconds, the entire brotherhood was captured.

Magneto was on one of his knees holding his scorched back with one hand, the other hand was holding his helmet tightly. He knew that if he let go of it, it was game over.

They had waged war and won flawlessly. They didn't even need the Professor's new abilities to stop them, Bobby's freezing was sufficient.

"It's over Magneto. Just give up, at least lose with dignity." He mocked the injured man.

He didn't relent though, still resisting Jean's telekinesis.

"NO! Never, Not when I'm this close!" He shrilled.

At that moment Jean decided to apply more force on Magneto. He had to kneel on both of his legs. He looked like Atlas carrying the heavens on his back. It was a pitiful sight to see one of the most feared mutants like that.

He walked to where Magneto was, 'Enough of this farce.'

"Scott be careful! He might be injured but he has his powers, especially at that range!" His girl warned him.

As he got closer and closer, until he was a foot away was when he could hear the old man coughing and muttering something,


"You've utterly lost, old man. Morally and Physically. You invaded a high school, killed numerous people and tortured that poor kid. More importantly you lost the one true friend you had with this latest stunt you pulled."

Magneto grunted and overpowered a nearby steel beam to impale his chest.

"SCOTT look out!" Jean cried from behind. The beam came at him with lighting speed.

He didn't even bother to look at the object, he just grabbed Magneto's helmet and removed it gently from his skull.

The flying object fell down to the ground. The professor took control of Magneto.

He looked straight into his eyes and mocked him one last time, "Pathetic."

Magneto looked like he was having a hard time trying to resist the Professor, al he could say was, "Pleasee…..charles-"

He fell limp to the ground not too long after that.

"Come on Team, let's clean up this mess, I have a date with a beautiful gal." He smiled mischievously at Jean, who returned the look.


POV - Magneto

It was white blank.

'Where am I?' He thought anxiously. The last thing he remembered was that brat taking his Anti-Psychic helmet away.

"Hello old friend." He heard the familiar voice speak to him again.

"Charles…" He said sorrowfully.

He realized that he had lost their game once more…he was going back to prison. He was so close, one more day and the blight of his species would be no more.

His old friend, Charles Xavier materialized in front of him. He was walking using his legs.

"So I lose to you once more. I was so close, all we had to do was-"

His friend however cut him off before he can continue,

"Follow the mysterious voice's direction and use the machine on young Theodore."

"You've gotten better with your mind reading."

Charles Xavier's powers were truly fearsome, but what made him an even worse opponent was that he was earnest and applied to better himself, covering up all his weaknesses.

A truly magnificent mutant. He truly wished he didn't have to fight him.

"Magnus….." Charles hesitated.

"Did you think I would not cross that line? Did you not think that I would harm a child to secure our future? You think too highly of me, my friend."

"Why? Why do you always destroy….why won't you help me? We can still work all of this out, you can still redeem yourself!"

"How many times will we have this conversation, Charles? Humanity can't be forgiven, no matter what you tell me I won't believe you." Charles offered his hand,

His friend looked hurt but it was the truth. He would not, could not live in a world where Humanity kept terrorizing his kind. So he would rebel and fight till the very bitter end.

They killed his mother and that he can't forgive.

"I see…" Charles lamented.

"I have no choice then, I hope you forgive me for what I'm about to do then. This is goodbye Magnus."

"Do what?"

Charles vanished out of the dreamscape before he could answer his question.


His eyes opened, the sunlight hit his face gently. There were still remnants of dark clouds in the sky. He was handcuffed and tied with a rope. All his wounds were healed.

"Okay Verhant, you can return to base." He heard the X-Men's leader, Cyclops speak to a spiky haired youth.

"Alright Mr. Summers, I'll see you back at the institute." The boy waved to his teacher, when suddenly a bluish ashy smoke appeared out of thin air.

"Nightcrawler, would you be so kind as to take Verhant back home."

"Sure thing boss, Let me know when you want to transport the prisoners."

"Will do." Cyclops said with a wry smile.

This Nightcrawler was very similar to Mystique in appearance. Speaking of Mystique, she was cuffed right next to him. She had a shocked look on her face when she saw the teleporter. All of his subordinates were lined together in a row.

"I'm sorry, Raven. We failed."

She was caught off guard with his comments, "Uh…oh yeah, me too."

"We were so close, we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory."

"Yeah we'll try again though, until we-"

"That ain't happening bub." Wolverine interrupted them.

"What do you mean by that?" Sabretooth spoke, he was also in binds.

The savage man smiled cruelly and replied, "Hey didn't you notice, your cuffs are made of metal."

He blinked.

'What? That can't be…I can't sense-'

Then it came, the cold sensation of steel holding his hands together.

'Wait why can't I use my gifts?'

"Magneto help us!" Toad screamed.

He tried manipulating the steel, to sense the magnetic flux, to bend it but it wouldn't come to him. Something was blocking him. Almost like a mental block-

"Charles!" He yelled out in disbelief.

"That's right bub! The professor took all of your powers, try it if you don't believe me."

Raven scrunched her nose and concentrated on shapeshifting but it didn't work.

She started breathing heavily and cried out "No…that can't be."

The animal started howling, mocking them to their faces.

"Everyone, my healing factor works!" Sabretooth shouted, it was true he scratched his own face and it healed up perfectly.

That animal, Wolverine walked close to Victor and untied his bindings and said, "Try to hurt me."

"Do it, Vic. Tear his head apart!" Pyro yelled passionately.

"You don't have to tell me that." Victor roared as his long sharp nails came out and he swung his right hand but he stopped right before he touched Charle's mongrel.

"Ooh what happened Vicky? Did ya drop your balls?" Wolverine taunted him. Then all of sudden Victor howled in pain, he held his head and went down to his knees.

"Victor, No!" Mystique cried out.

Wolverine laughed at them once again. He grit his teeth and focused on controlling magnetic fields but once again he just couldn't.

"Logan, stop playing with them." Marvel Girl used her telekinesis to cuff up Victor once again.

"Why not Jeanie? You saw what these fuckers did to that kid. He was one of us and still these bastards treated him like dirt. Serves them right if you ask me."

"Still, we shouldn't make fun of them." She chided him.

"You're a giant softie." He smirked.

The entire conversation made him angry. They treated him like he was a run of the mill thief who they apprehended.

"What did you do to us?" Mystique yelled out furiously.

"What? Me? Oh I didn't do anything." He mocked again.

"What did Charles do?" Juggernaut shouted, maybe he woke after the commotion.

Cain was not cuffed, his arms were too big for that, instead they simply opted to tie a rope around him.

It should not contain the Juggernaut….no a steel cage would not be able to contain the Juggernaut and yet here a rope made of hemp did.

"Oh you know this and that." This time Iceman joined the conversation.

"Bobby, not you too?" Marvel Girl added.

"Oh come on, we're just teasing them." He answered with a huge smile.

"I'm gonna fry you, Bobby!" Pyro screamed.

"Try it loser, you can't. You won't be able to even after a hundred years. The professor took all of your powers away….well more specifically he made it so you can't mentally access your powers."

That explained why he wasn't able to use his powers and Victor could. Victor's abilities were unconscious while he needed deliberate mental commands to use his powers.

"So then why did he hunch over in pain?" Mystique did the heavy lifting of asking the questions. No one would suspect her.

"Well it's real simple, none of you will ever be able to harm a human or mutant ever again. When you break this from now onwards you'll feel intense mental pain. Do ya like it, it was my suggestion?"

"Bobby, they just lost their powers, don't rub salt on their wounds." The red haired woman chided him again.

He hated them all. Wolverine's gleeful face, Iceman's laugh and Marvel Girl's pity.

"It won't keep me down." He lowered his voice dangerously and continued,

"Once I get my hands on my Anti-Psychic helmet, there will be hell to pay. Mark my words, X-Men!" He promised them.

'Yes this is a small obstacle. Once I get my helmet back I'll be able to use my powers. This is another obstacle, challenging it may be but a simple obstacle it is. Just like the others from before-'

His inner monologue was interrupted when Wolverine whistled loudly.

"What?" Cyclops said irritably.

"Hand me the metal helmet." Wolverine said back,

'What was that animal up to?' He thought anxiously

"Scott don't-" Marvel Girl couldn't finish because Cyclops actually threw the helmet to the animal.

"Thanks Sunglasses." He caught it and started walking towards him.

'What does he have in store for me? Is he going to destroy my helmet?'

"Scott, not you too? We won, so let's be humble."

She was met with silence, as Cyclops' gaze was fully on him. The beast walked up to him and did nothing.

"Go ahead, break it! I'll find another one elsewhere! You won't discourage me-"

Wolverine grabbed his head and slammed the helmet onto his head. IIt really hurt.

"Do it bub. Use your powers and control me like a puppet. Do it!" He taunted.

"You fool, now that I have my powers back......" He stopped mid sentence.

"Do it Magneto, Tear him limb by limb!" Pyro shouted loudly.

"Magnus what are you waiting for, kill the fucker!" Juggernaut pleaded.

It seemed only Mystique understood what was really happening,

"He can't…" She looked crestfallen, like her last remaining piece of hope went away after seeing him.

Wolverine started laughing again, this time holding his belly as he rolled around the floor.

"Why would he do this? Why would Charles take everything away from me?" He muttered with disbelief.

Cyclops was the one who answered his question,

"Because you tortured one of us. Because you're lower than the Nazi's who killed your mother. Because you're just like the humans who hate us and do cruel things to us. You're no better than them. So he thought it would be fitting if you didn't have any gifts, just like them."