Xavier Visits Valdmor

"Don't tell me you came all the way here just to cry?"

Inquired Leonardo, somewhat caught aback by her attitude. Azalea clenched her fists before taking a deep breath. She looked up, "Every faction in Valdmor wants me dead, just an excuse to placate the masses and their subordinates; blaming me for the chaos which ensued after your departure."

"The only reason why I can stand here today is Jeffery helping me under the pretense of kidnapping me, the source of the storm. It was me who asked him to send me here because my only path to survival is under your protection."

Leonardo stared oddly at this sometimes smart, sometimes naive, and oftentimes stupid young woman. Azalea was just an ordinary non-cultivator, just like Jeffery and the rest. If someone really wanted her dead, a slap would blow her brains out.

He could only assume she was stuck to someone influential whenever she left her apartment to stroll the streets.