
Although the army in its entirety wasn't wiped out, at this point, over eighty percent of them were dead. Those yet to perish were the lucky ones on the fringes of the formation, nowhere near the epicenter of the battlefield.

Alfred was truly enraged at this point as he couldn't understand how someone's heart could grow so cold and indifferent to the plight of the weak. Leonardo seemed to see right through Alfred's struggles, causing him to snort derisively.

"Don't give me that conflicted look. Oh, you so righteous man of moral values. Don't give me that bullshit about good within evil, and evil within good. Just because your house has a few righteous souls doesn't exempt you from condemnation."

"If you're so bothered about the lives of the innocent, go preaching to your family and higher-ups, what? You don't dare?! Of course, you wouldn't dare, that's all that you amount to after all of this."