The Game Is On

Lexus glared at Leonardo's receding back with malice in his eyes. Leonardo dared blaspheme against his deity, which was unacceptable to Lexus.

Even if what Leonardo said is true, Lexus still believed that Leonardo was overestimating himself and those so-called tigers. After all, they were all mere mortals, what can mortals do in the face of a Goddess?

Lexus didn't know that the will of a planet was also bound by the world barrier and its laws. It can't directly interfere with the happenings on the planet or the conflict between the mortals, it could only act in cases of instinctive retaliation to imminent peril.

However, it can't be helped.

Blind faith had always been synonymous with madness in the books of history, and this is a prime example of why.

Only after Leonardo disappeared past the white ring of clouds did everyone realize that he hadn't explained how he'd handle the five agendas and the encroaching danger they represented…