Past The Sky Mountains

The next day, Leonardo stretched out lazily in his bed, his eyes slowly parting open as a sloppy sensation occupied his lower half. The moment his eyes gained focus, what greeted him was a pair of small, thick folds of flesh with a thin pink slit in between.

The slit was secreting a translucent liquid that dripped periodically on his face.

It took Leonardo a moment to realize what this thing was, and he instinctively clamped down on two mounds of tender flesh before dragging the beautiful scenery near his lips, inducing a shiver and a soft moan from the petite woman on top of him.

Pandora felt strength zap away from her body, her legs twitched, and she instantly climaxed from the sudden stimulation. However, her mouth was occupied to the base of her throat with a hard cock pulsating with veins, suppressing her moans greatly as she went limp.