Premature Departure

"Would you even believe me if I said I'm not interested?"

"It depends, you're not telling me that an exalted High Saint was simply bored."

"They promised our Sovereign a chance to enter the next realm if he helped them out, but he didn't bring along any of his immediate descendants."

To display his sincerity, the High Saint called off his domain and sat on the edge of his cliff, sword sheathed and whatever left of his battle intent scattered.

Leonardo thought for a bit, closed his eyes to sense something, then smiled faintly. With his dense bloodthirsty intent withdrawing into his body, the once red robes were now a speckless white again, the saint-grade sword in his hand crumbling to bits after the blood enchantment dissipated.

With a step forward, Leonardo arrived next to the High Saint and sat down as well, not showing any reservations whatsoever.