One Heartbeat

"What is that technique?!"

Asmodian and the other two felt shocked and alarmed.

"It's already locked on our auras, we have no choice but to take this attack head-on!"

Elyos stepped forward, holding the group of revolving, compressed asteroids as though he held a miniature solar system in the palm of his hands, muttering something to himself with a stern expression.

Uranus had a stoic expression as well. He took a deep breath, slanting the broadsword on his right shoulder as he shouted toward Asmodian and Elyos, "Augment my sword, your attack range is too widespread to target the core of this weird formation!"

Elyos and Asmodian both paused. Then, after exchanging a look, they both nodded at one another before flashing to appear on either side of Uranus, tossing their miniature solar system and the fleet of flat black holes to dance and spin around the blade's edge.