A King’s Karma, The First Twilight: Ingrid ( 2 in 1)

Author note: This 2 in 1 isn't a thing! Might not repeat in the future! I forgot myself while writing is all!


There seemed to be nothing but this word in Leonardo's mind as his hand reached out to touch this ancient obelisk. The moment he touched it, space-time within this confined pocket dimension froze, and the world seemingly lost its color.

Even the light in the young woman's eyes seemed to freeze.

Wisps of black smoke seeped through the cracks in the obelisk and crawled across Leonardo's hand, quickly yet also slowly charting his body and pouring into his eyes to paint them black.

Deep within Leonardo's sea of consciousness, an indistinct shadow that didn't seem to be a man or woman floated in front of the massive, ancient gate that kept the raging sea and the black heart at bay. This shadow then extended a hand silently, a wisp of smoke passing through the gate and into the restless sea.