The Open Secret

Looking from the enthusiastic Juvia to Leonardo who seemed lost in thoughts, simply seated there without any intentions of saying anything other than that snide remark, Ingrid smiled imperceptibly to herself. 

"Ara~ and who might this little miss be?" 

The female beastkin wasn't aware of why would Leonardo send in a subordinate to do the talking, but the old human man and the elven couple could understand clearly, as both their respective domains had a royal court system that albeit differing in the handling of affairs, the concept was the same. 

Leonardo noticed that their Chairman didn't join the discussion, but pushed them, her subordinates, instead. Hence, Leonardo responded by pushing out one of his subordinates as well, implicitly implying that despite the difference in strength, his status and position are no lower than their Chairman in this room, and they're not qualified enough to discuss with him directly.