A Ripple In The Undercurrents

On that day, a shocking piece of news took the officials currently residing within Valdmor by surprise, then it buzzed in their heads like the knell of the devil. 

In a courtyard designated for the House Sylvia in the core district of Valdmor, a chubby round man was running through the latest developments of recruiting foot soldiers across the Forbidden Domain, the estimated levels of power, budgets for funding the expansion efforts, and similar reports. 

On the other end of the table was a long list of houses that decided to withdraw ground the investment and decided to invest with the elves instead. As to why these people would switch sides during these critical times, he didn't know. 

There were also lists of powerful cultivators who joined the fray with their own representatives, tossing in their investments in this chaotic game of wealth and politics, giving this man quite the headache. 

Knock! Knock! Bang!