Behind The Door

"This is the same room we've held our meetings in for the past two years. However, I can't help but feel like today's room is very… Different." 

"That man is attending the meeting today, of course, it will be different. I heard that he stirred up things in the Forbidden Domain, then the Human Domain, then the Elven Domain. Actually, the only place free from his troubles is the Beastkin Domain, but that place has always stayed out of trouble." 

"Doesn't matter what trouble he stirred up, this is the world of business and not a world of martial power. Although Tesla's are formidable, their influence is very shallow the further you are from the Forbidden Domain. As for House Sylvia? Tsk! The ruling powers can't directly invest in this competition lest they forfeit their rights to the Sovereign Ascension, putting them in the same prickle spot as us from the vassal kingdoms."