The Prominent Reverence In A Silent World

The shaking of the ground started gradually, bit by bit increasing till pebbles and massive rocks began to tumble down the high mountains in the distance. 

Overlapping domains and fierce shouts rolled in like an apocalypse scene, the ardent fervor in the voice too prominent to overlook despite the chaos. 

Wendy's lonesome figure seemed so weak and minuscule in the face of such a stampede of steel, to the point where one would think that running over her body would be more than enough to snuff out her little life. 

High in the skies and in the eight directions, powerful auras began to appear one by one, albeit there wasn't a hint of malice in their presence. 

These saints were obviously spectators. With the scale of the erupting conflict, only saints are qualified to calmly watch, not particularly scared of losing their lives to the upcoming shockwaves.