Lush Skirts Plains Province, Greenheart City, 7th District

When the shock subsided, inspiration and enlightenment suddenly struck Leonardo's mind as an absolutely ridiculous idea popped in his head. 

The black shadow from the obelisk already taught Leonardo how to extract the lifelong combat experiences of First Dizmason Eternus, and the first-lifetime experience was invested into Ingrid as the First Twilight, should he give Rosaline the lifelong experience of the Second Dizmason Eternus? 

Leonardo made a split-second decision on the spot, deciding that since the mutation had already occurred and her life was now linked to his, he might as well go big. 

Thus, the silent black sea began to boil and roil over as countless fragmented images of endless slaughter flashed through the deep waters, quickly gathering into a compressed black pill with a terrifying will of extermination. Leonardo's innate martial intent was pushed to the limits as he calculated thousands of future avenues, searching for a possible merging path.