Jin Prefecture

When Emily next came to her senses, she was caught aback by the familiar yet unfamiliar environment of the fifth layer of the pagoda. Very quickly, she came to the conclusion Leonardo must have brought her over. 

Her entire body felt giddy and weak, especially down there. That experience was a nightmare. Even now, she shudders from thinking about it. Suddenly, a surge of information exploded in Emily's head, and her eyes slacked briefly as they went blank. 

A few minutes later, clarity returned to her eyes, quickly followed by shock and disbelief. Very quickly, she disregarded the state of her body and sat down meditatively, reciting the 'revised' Qing family scripture. Slowly thereafter, her aura began to change subtly. 

Sometimes it would rise, sometimes fall, and other times a blast of invisible force would sweep out, wreaking havoc in the room. 

A day passed… 

Two days passed… 

Three days passed…