Cultivation FAQ

Disclaimer: This is limited to the end of Volume 3!

Hello! Do drop questions if there are any points of confusion, thank you! 


Disclaimer, this novel won't go about delegating cultivation progress into segments of varying cultivation realms like your average go to wuxia novels. I'm more of a systematic levelling guy. 

Like Solo Levelling? Yeah, something like that! 

Like Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God? Something like that too! 


[ Tier 1 — Mortals ] 

What are mortals in THIS context? 

In this novel, mortal doesn't necessarily mean helplessly weak. It represents the bottom tier of cultivation while simultaneously reflecting the apex of a human's potential. 

Level(s) 1 → 10 

General humans who declare their dominance with fists, cold weapons, and perhaps some bows and arrows. 

Level(s) 11 → 20 

Peak of human performance; mix Alexander the Great, Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, and a super heavyweight champion into one handsome guy. Pretty much that, and a lick of supernatural powers enough to have enhanced senses. 

Level(s) 21 → 30 

This ladies and gentlemen is the fun part. Take everything above, and add a heavy dose of sci-fi, magic enchantments, and pretty much whatever makes you an ideal starter pack character in an MMORPG. 

Levels(s) 31 → 40 

Now we're talking about the big guns; supernatural powers like shooting fireballs. Summoning elements, telepathy, and perhaps you can consider yourself a HULK junior. 


[ Tier 2 — Saints ] 

Saints are those who combine their experience from the mortal growth cycle and generate the catalyst, also known as the Martial Intent, a crystallisation of their basic understanding of both character and power in depth. This enlightenment allows them to tap into the ESSENCE of their energy, opening the ascension gates into sainthood. 

Level(s) 41 → 50 

The essence of sainthood flows through your body. Now, you can regenerate wounds; albeit flesh wounds. You can fly, have your own zone or if you wanna call it a magic domain, and most importantly; you can stop eating food for energy. How cool is that? 

Level(s) 51 → 60 

The power to regenerate fatal wounds in addition to a considerable power-up, survive outer space without oxygen, interstellar travel, and enough influence to become the ruler of a kingdom in realms where a Saint is considered an apex predator. 

Level(s) 61 → 70 

The pinnacle of what can be considered a Saint. In these levels, shattering space-time is an aftershock of attacks from heavy to casual depending on where you stand in level, the ability to destroy a planet, piercing space with magic or raw power, and many feats beyond the realms of human comprehension. 


[ Tier 3 — Divine ] 

Ah, the Divine. The servants of the Lord, angels of salvation, and demons of the ever-present yet never seen hell at the bottom of the underworld… 

I'd love to say yes, but unfortunately no. 

Divine in THIS context refers to beings who transcended the shackles of space-time, are seen beyond life and death, and are practically Gods incarnate to the ignorant folk of the middle and lower realms. 

Entities on a scale of power so high, their mere existence in either of these realms might as well resemble a walking black hole of mass destruction. 

During their time as a Saint, one must grasp the basic laws attuned to their original martial intent that gradually transitioned into sainthood. These laws would assimilate into their sainthood, birthing a Divinity. 

Everyone has their own divinity, a divine power exclusive to themselves, upon which they build a foundation for their future Immortal Kingdom. 

Level(s) 71 → 80 

Forget distortions of space-time, as a Divine on this level can manipulate these aspects of reality to create pocket dimensions of their choosing. Yes, this is where the Initial Divinity comes into play. 

Level(s) 81 → 90 

The Initial Divinity grows into Mature Divinity. On this level, a person doesn't need their personal dimension to gain their home field advantage. They can skip that and directly merge their own laws into the natural world all around them, creating a new order of their own. One may even argue that at this point, one might as well call it borderline omnipotence, just a little bit below that level. 


[ Tier 4 - Immortal (Stellar World Exclusive)] 

And beyond the realms of the Divine, we stumble upon the realms of the ever present, the everlasting, the omniscient and omnipotent. 

The realm of Gods. 

The realms of Immortality. 

The moment a Divine Entity is capable of claiming a region of the world's laws as their own; basically taking control over a specific region of the universe, permanently! 

That's when they establish a connection with the universe as it is. They enter a symbiotic relationship with the laws of Heaven, existing till the end of time under the one condition that their Immortal Kingdom remains unharmed. 

An Immortal Kingdom can be the size of a planet, a Star System, or even more than that… Depending on the Immortal in question and their strength, level, and comprehension of their laws.