Unbridled Rage

After announcing himself, the court mage walked into the audience room. Calling it a room was a disservice, really.

It was a large chamber, with a ceiling reaching high into the air, the point that if one weren't looking up towards it, they would not see it.

The area it covered was also massive, the room being fifty meters wide by one hundred long. At the end of the audience room, a set of stairs led up to a throne overseeing the whole chamber.

On the said throne sat an ash elf. He looked like he was bored and would have preferred not to be here at all.

As soon as the doors opened up and the court mage made his entry, he lazily gazed towards the door.

The man watched as the guests walked into the audience chamber, examining each one closely. He recognized some of them, and others, not.

He then fixed his gaze on old Aberon.

"Aberon! Old friend. Have you come to your senses and come to pledge your allegiance to the crown?" The man asked Aberon.