Ranged Enemies, Part 1

The first thing Astaroth noticed after the humid air, was the thick foliage of trees around him. There were flowers and bushes and vines everywhere he turned his head.

So, to help himself move forward, he pulled out his short sword, and used it as a makeshift machete, to cut through the greenery.

Astaroth moved forward cautiously, keeping his mana going full throttle constantly. That was the reason he noticed some fights breaking loose all around him.

He could feel and see the mana fluctuate in spots all around him, flaring up and getting siphoned, disturbing the natural flow.

Astaroth reduced his sensing, trying to focus on the few meters around him, so he didn't get ambushed. He walked along no determined path, trying to avoid the combat zones.

That made him zigzag across the forest, never getting much closer to the end of the zone. The chairwoman was not joking when she said the zone would be big.