Fighting On All Fronts

***In the courtyard outside the castle***

With the advantage I'die had given the Grippli troops, the Lizardmen were no longer crushing them so quickly. Then, in addition to that, with Silent Light's healing, and Athena ranged support, the battle was swinging back in their favour.

The Grippli were losing fewer soldiers, and the Lizardmen were being culled at a sped-up pace, making the scales balance back. It wouldn't be long until they tipped further to the Grippli's side.

Around when Astaroth made it to the throne room was when the battle in the courtyard was already set to be a victory for the frogmen. That was when Athena, I'die, and Silent took their leave from there and headed inside.

Since some of their party members had already passed here, it uncovered the map for them. So they could head directly to where two of their teammates were currently fighting.

When they reached their destination, what greeted them took them aback.