A Trip Downtown

Violette tried both sides of the pizza, liking both and eating more than was reasonable for a kid her size. She chirped and hummed happily as she devoured enough pizza to put Alex to shame.

He could only laugh, as he watched her stuff her face full. He smiled, picking up his plate and cleaning it.

He never had siblings, so this was the closest he felt to it, and he had to say. He didn't hate the feeling at all.

"Urgh… I'm so full."

"Hahaha. You brought that on yourself. Maybe show some restraint next time? You were shoving food inside your mouth like a squirrel. It was almost comical."

"But it was so good," she whined.

"I know. Just make sure you don't get a tummy ache. To help, we will go take a walk around the block, make the food go down."

Violette nodded, her face full of pizza sauce.

"Come here."