Meeting The Boss

The situation kept escalating, and soon enough, Morticia could no longer do much. She had used mana potions to keep herself from being useless, but those weren't cheap.

And since they had a cooldown on use, she had to reduce her mana consumption by a great deal. Since her role had mainly been of charming monsters to fight others, as much as she could, the pressure on Gulnur went up a notch.

Even if she still used psychic attacks, dealing some form of damage, it was not nearly as much as before. And since the monsters assaulting Gulnur now died slower, his health started going down faster.

This caused a domino effect on Silent and I'die, who now had to heal Gulnur more often, draining their mana reserves quicker. The situation was quickly getting out of hand.

Phoenix knew she had to do something before they got wiped out. She started swirling her hands rapidly, conjuring flames around the stone walls protecting them.