Snail's Pace

Phoenix and Astaroth dashed back at the beast-man, catching up to him rapidly. Astaroth could tell the boss wasn't taking them seriously, since the speed he was using now was nothing compared to earlier.

It was more like a predator playing with his prey than an actual fight. But he intended to make Leon understand they meant business.

As both he and Phoenix caught up, Leon noticed them. He sped up a bit, immediately catching up to Violette and distancing himself from the duo again.

Leon raised his clawed hand high over his head, slashing forward, his claws glowing in a red fiery glow. But where he was supposed to hit a little girl, he instead hit something solid like metal.

Violette had disappeared from before him, suddenly replaced by a dwarven male with heavy armour. Gulnur looked up and smiled.

This was a new move he had learned by studying other tanks. It was called In Extremis.