Outside New Eden, Life Sucks

Inside an office, on the top floor of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, in Birmingham, a doctor was looking at test results for a full check-up. On the tests, a name was written at the top.

*Patient name: Winston Owen Jr.*

Bloodworks: Normal

CT Scan: Normal

Genetic Markers: Standard

Bone Marrow: Normal

"This makes no sense."

The doctor had an incredulous look on his face. In general, he would be happy that all these results came back normal.

But the patient in question was suffering from an incurable genetic disease. But now, even the genetic markers of it were gone.

It was like his body had reset to a normal state, after being ravaged by the illness for all his life. He should be happy about this, for his patient.

But instead, he was stumped. The doctor had never treated Winston intending to rid him of the illness.