The Hiding Man

A battle quickly broke out all around them as Alex dashed left and right, slashing the swords at anything that ran at it that wasn't human. Kary was being careful with her shots, making the firebolts she was slinging smaller and faster, so she wouldn't miss her targets.

But doing so also slowed down her attacks, as she needed to aim carefully, and manipulate her mana much more. She still wasn't as adept as in New Eden yet.

David was controlling his undead with more minutia than in the game. He had quickly realized the undead on this side had a particularity that wasn't as present in New Eden.

The souls he dredged out and tied to himself were a lot weaker and therefore were not as conscious as in New Eden. This meant he had to consciously control their actions.

This didn't allow him to fight as freely as he would in New Eden, but it was good practice. He had already noticed after some practice out here that his control in New Eden was getting better, too.