Miasma Filled Gorge

As he was travelling to the second portal when he received a message from Phoenix that Jack and Margarett had arrived at Bastion City. He smiled, knowing they had made their way there on their own, instead of teleporting.

He sent a quick reply, sending his regards, and focused back on the task at hand. Silent Light trailed behind him, acting as a mobile miasma repellent, as they trudged to the next portal.

This one was located in a deep valley, flanked by cliff sides on each side of it, looking almost like the grand canyon, only deeper. When they entered the valley, through one of the ends, the miasma's thickness suddenly became almost opaque, and they had to stick close to each other lest they lose sight of one another.

Losing long-distance sight like this was unsettling, to say the least, but it was easier than the second thing that happened. After walking about two hundred meters into the valley, the wind stopped blowing, and everything became eerie.