Gathering The Trio

When she arrived at the city's south entrance, she nodded at the guards, who let her in, passing the entire checkpoint line in one swift motion. Some grumbling echoed as she skated past them, but the guards quickly set order back in place.

Inside the gate, about a hundred meters to the right, a group of three players were discussing with each other, looking to be waiting for something, or someone.

Violette assumed this was her new posse and made her way toward them.

"What do you think this 'Violette' lady looks like?"

"How would I know? I never met her either…"

"I bet she's this tall, seductive woman with purple hair. Maybe a Fey?"

Violette could already hear the conversation of the two men in the party, and her traits darkened. The last one of the trio, a woman in clerical robes, was staying slightly back, not joining this degrading conversation, and noticed Violette approaching.