Negotiating With Dragons

A few moments earlier, in the soul space of the green dragon, Phoenix landed on the cavern ground, the stone melted slag, as she walked to the half-carbonized green dragon. She could see no trace of the black mist anywhere.

The walls, ceiling and floor of the cavern were all either blackened, red hot, or turned to crystal from the intense heat.

Slinking into the corner of the grotto, the green dragon watched as the reason for all this destruction walked towards him.

'Human. The corruption is gone. You can stop now.'

But Phoenix sneered at it.

"I'm not stopping until you apologize for trying to eat me."

Saying this, she shot another gout of blue flames directly into the dragon's side.

Many scorch marks were already adorning its scales, and the hide under it, where no scales remained. But Phoenix seemed unsatisfied.