Quick But Cruel Vengeance

Francesco couldn't hear the gunfire inside the bunker, as the door was too thick to echo noise unless it was struck directly. But what he did hear, though, was the door suddenly unlocking.

Which, in itself, was abnormal. He had not given the code to anyone.

When the passcode was inputted into the console outside, and biometrics verified, normally, the countermeasures would turn offline and allow the person to enter safely.

But, seeing his automated defences pop out on the wall, Francesco ran to the far end of the room, making sure he couldn't accidentally get hit as well.

The door slid open, and all hell broke loose.

Francesco ducked behind a leather lounger seat, covering his ears as the sound of four Gatling guns ripped the air asunder. Fire burned the air, as two flame throwers activated, tracking something inside the room.