The Don Arrives

It took a little over an hour for Richard to read through the entire debrief report, along with Alex, to make sure everything was accurate. During which, he berated him a few times, saying his savage methods gave the cleaner crews for work than necessary.

But Alex kept his snarky remarks to himself, knowing it wouldn't amount to much, arguing with Richard.

Once they had gone over the reports together, Richard was about to dismiss Alexander when he thought about something else.

He pulled out an envelope from a drawer under his desk and threw it at Alex across the desk.

"Here. Take it. It was originally for Alfred and his men, since they were going to do the heavy lifting. But since you completed the op by yourself, it's only right that you get it. They can get the normal op bonus."

Alex frowned as he caught the envelope. It was heavy for such a small thing.

He was about to snap open the seal when Richard raised his hand.