The Reward Of Perseverance

Inside Astaroth's forced dream trance, he had already lost track of how many times he had died and come back. Everything had become a blur.

He relived every near-death experience in his life, all of them turning to the worst right before his eyes. And god only knew this wasn't just a few occasions in the last year.

His feelings had already dulled, and he was just going through the motions.

By now he was back to when he was a teen, that one time he fell from a tree he was climbing. He wasn't sure how the true event had gone by, and right now, he was falling head-first to the ground.

But right before he hit the exposed roots below him, the ground shattered like glass, and he kept falling. Everything around him turned to white, and gravity slowly disappeared until he felt himself floating in nothingness.

His mind slowly went back to normal, and he realized what had happened.