A Past Recounted

Astaroth couldn't believe the answer.

"Today?!" he exclaimed.

"How am I supposed to travel to the center of the continent in one day?!"

Rodney looked at the king with a raised eyebrow.

"The… teleporter?" he said, confused how Astaroth had forgotten the immense cubic structure that dominated the south plaza of the outer ring.

Astaroth took a second to register the response.

"Oh… Right…"

Rodney shook his head slightly.

"But that is beside the issue here. Even if making it there fast is not a problem, that means you can't go with a proper escort. We will never have time to prepare a contingent. Bringing soldiers anywhere requires a massive amount of supplies and preparation.

"I'm sure the matriarchs did this exactly for this reason. They probably expect you to go alone with the queen, and maybe two or three escorts. This way, they have the upper hand. Their slyness hasn't diminished one bit in two decades…"