Worrying Revelations

Alex's mind went blank at Geminae's words.

"I would be killing myself? What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

Geminae sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"How long do you think you were out?" he asked Alex.

Alex took a moment to think. He thought about the corpse pile, some of the decomposition of it, and the stench.

"About a week?" he replied, his tone uncertain.

"Ha. If only. The situation would be much better…"

"Stop turning around the pot, Geminae," Alex growled.

"Yeah, get to it so he can release me," the imp added, straining to speak through Alex's grip.

"Shut up, demon," Alex barked at him.

"Alright, alright. You've been out for a month. Thirty-four days, to be precise. Because of this, the connection between your body, soul, and our souls has become airtight. There is no more undoing us. We are forever bound together."

Alex didn't understand what he meant, and Geminae could see it in his lost look.