David's Scolding

As Alex's mind snapped back toward his body, it quickly flashed through the skies, giving a very brief but detailed view of a castle which sat on the edge of a cliff near the ocean.

As his vision kept pulling him away, he saw the landmass shrink, until it looked like an island, just off the coast of Europe, and Alex memorized its position.

'Don't fuck with my plans, Merlin. I have enough enemies as it is,' Alex thought, as clouds flew past him, and he accelerated away.

Soon enough, he was back inside his body, taking a deep breath in, as his body had been in a semi-catatonic state, still sitting cross-legged on the cargo hold floor.

The first thing he noticed was Killian's unconscious body before him, basking in a golden white glow, with Cory hovering over him, sweating bullets.

His eyes blinked a few times, as the light was slightly blinding him.

"What happened to him?" Alex asked, making Cory jump in surprise.