Black Convoy

Alex rolled his eyes at her pushiness but still headed toward the SUV. Even if he didn't understand the reason for her need for expediency, they were still in a rush.

The longer they took to reach Gu Fang, the more they risked not being able to bring him back.

Since they had no idea what was happening with him and Zhong Kui, it was better to imagine the worst and feel relieved.

And right now, the worst was getting to a dead body.

Alex wasn't sure how he would react if he got to Huashan Mountain, only to find Gu Fang dead. If they had travelled all this way, broken all those laws, taken all those risks, only to find a corpse, what then?

As he sat in the SUV, Alex noticed the two other people in the back and smiled at them.

"How was your crossing, you two? Did you get into any trouble? Maybe stop to consummate your new marriage?" he teased.

Rì-Chū's face instantly changed colours to a vivid red as Jin-Sil giggled and hung onto the latter's arm.