"In the room next to this one will be me. In the following room, Alexander, Kary, and Violette. The room next to that one, Jin-Sil and Rì-Chū. Under them, Killian and Winston. Next to those two, Cory and Jonathan. That about settles it. Alright, everyone. Go rest," she declared, heading toward the door.
David frowned, realizing he hadn't been named.
"Uhh… What about me?" he asked Kujaku as she passed beside him.
She ignored him, walking out of the room and heading next door.
Everyone followed suit, leaving the room to the two men sharing it for the night, and headed to their respective rooms.
David followed behind Kujaku, stopping at the door when she entered.
"Hey! You forgot me!" he snapped, not wanting to sleep under the starry skies.