
A few days had passed since Klaus' meeting with humanity. His appetite had begun to return, though it would still take a while before it fully normalized. During this time, Klaus kept himself busy by helping his mother with household chores, aiming to ease her workload while she worked in her room.

As Klaus neared the end of his tasks for the day, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Pulling it out, he glanced at the caller ID and froze momentarily. It was a name he hadn't seen in a long time: Karma.

"Hello?" Klaus answered, his voice neutral.

"Hey, Klaus," Karma, or specifically Tyler, answered. "How've you been?"

"Fine... I guess," Klaus replied, his tone as nonchalant as usual. "What's up? It's rare for you to call."

"Well, I've got a good reason," Tyler said, pausing briefly before continuing. "I know things have been... different these past few months. But I wanted to ask if you'd be up for doing something as Wallpaper this evening. Kind of a final piece, for Avalon."

"Sure," Klaus said without hesitation. "I'm sure she'd like that a lot."

Tyler smiled on the other end of the line, touched by Klaus' immediate agreement. "Yeah," he muttered softly. "I'll be at the hideout later to meet up."

"Okay," Klaus replied. "Just let me know when."

They exchanged a few more words before ending the call. Klaus resumed his chores, finishing up before deciding to rest until the evening.

While Klaus relaxed, Natalie seized the opportunity to send him on a few errands. Though she was hesitant to ask for his help, not wanting to use his abilities for her gain, Klaus was more than willing to assist.

Once he returned home, he headed to his room, took a quick shower, and got ready for the meet-up. Shortly after receiving Tyler's message that he was ready, Klaus used his Burst Speed to travel to the hideout.

Arriving at the building in an instant, Klaus stepped inside, immediately catching Tyler's attention.

"Sorry I'm late," Klaus said. "Had to run an errand for my mom first."

"That's fine," Tyler replied easily. "I spent all day doing the same for mine since it's been a while since I've been back on Earth."

As Tyler spoke, Klaus glanced around the room, a question surfacing in his mind. "What about Ghost?" he asked, noting the absence of their final member.

"Oh," Tyler said hesitantly, his tone softening. "I tried calling him, but he didn't pick up. To be honest, he hasn't answered any of my calls since the incident. The last time I saw him was at the funeral."

Klaus felt a pang of guilt, understanding Ghost's potential frustration. Ghost had cared deeply for Avalon, and after learning that Klaus was a demigod, still failing to save her despite this, it might have potentially deepened the wound of her passing, pushing Ghost to sever ties with Wallpaper altogether.

"Guess it's just the two of us, then," Klaus said after a pause.

"I guess," Tyler replied, mimicking Klaus' typical tone with a small, teasing smile that earned a sigh from him.

Before they could head out, Tyler called Klaus' attention. "Uh, aren't you gonna put on your NightShade attire?"

"Is there really any point?" Klaus retorted.

"Yeah, come on," Tyler insisted. "It's kind of the whole point of being Wallpaper, don't you think?"

Klaus sighed, recognizing he wouldn't win the argument. "Fine," he said before disappearing in an instant.

Though Tyler had expected Klaus to use his Burst Speed, the sheer immediacy of it still caught him off guard. After a few minutes, Klaus returned, now clad in his NightShade attire.

"See?" Tyler said with a grin. "Now you look the part."

"Uh-huh," Klaus replied flatly, his tone dismissive.

Soon after, Klaus and Tyler set off for their chosen destination. Tyler had selected a place with deep personal significance, the spot where he first met Avalon, long before Wallpaper was even an idea. This location had always been special to him, and he felt it was the perfect setting for their final graffiti piece, a tribute to her memory.

Tyler took charge of managing the location, leaving the artistic design entirely to Klaus. He trusted Klaus implicitly, knowing he was the one closest to Avalon and best equipped to create something worthy of her.

Klaus worked in focused silence, his pencil gliding over the sketchpad with precision and purpose. He poured every ounce of his affection for Avalon into the design, determined to make it his most extraordinary work as NightShade.

The sketch took shape as a vibrant collage of the things Avalon loved most; sealife, popcorn, and even a subtle nod to her love for bowling. These elements intertwined in a complex yet harmonious tapestry of art, all brought together with her signature violet hue, the color she was known for as Aura.

After a long time of meticulous effort, Klaus finally set his pencil down. The design was complete, a heartfelt masterpiece befitting Avalon's memory. Tyler took a look at the completed sketch and couldn't hide his amazement at how incredible it looked. With their plan finalized, the two set to work.

Spray cans in hand, Klaus and Tyler moved in perfect sync, just as they always had during their days as Wallpaper. Klaus covered the intricate details while Tyler filled in the bold, sweeping sections. Their movements were seamless, as if they shared a single mind. The synergy between them turned the process into something almost meditative, their focus unbroken as the piece came to life.

Time passed in a blur, and at last, they stepped back to admire their work.

The final piece was breathtaking. It radiated energy and emotion, a vivid and intricate homage to someone they both cherished deeply.

For a long while, they stood in silence, absorbing the sight. Finally, Klaus stepped forward, shaking a spray can. With deliberate care, he painted the Wallpaper logo onto the corner of the mural. But instead of adding his own NightShade mark, he used Avalon's unique emblem; the one she had always signed her work with as Aura.

Tyler glanced at Klaus with a smile, understanding the gesture without needing words. After, they lingered in quiet reflection for minutes, the weight of their shared memories palpable in the air as they drowned in thoughts.

Eventually, Klaus broke the silence, a thought entering his mind. "I think I have somewhere I need to go," he said, his voice soft.

Tyler turned to him, noting the faint dip in his mood. "You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, don't worry," Klaus assured. "It's just something personal."

They briefly exchanged farewells, and in the blink of an eye, Klaus vanished.

When Klaus reappeared, he had arrived at a familiar spot; the cliffside overlooking the city, the place Avalon had once called her special sanctuary.

As he walked closer to the edge, a flood of memories washed over him. This was the place where he had first told Avalon he loved her, a moment etched deeply in his heart. The faint hum of distant traffic blended with the rustle of leaves, creating a serene backdrop as Klaus approached the weathered bench near the edge.

Sitting down, he let the memories envelop him. Unlike before, there was no sharp pang of grief, no overwhelming anger or regret. Instead, there was love; an enduring, quiet appreciation for the time they had shared, no matter how short it had been.

It had been three weeks since Klaus emerged from his isolation, and over two months since Avalon's passing. Though he still missed her dearly, he had finally made peace with her loss.

Avalon had changed him, even if he rarely showed it outwardly. Her presence had left a lasting mark on his life, and as he sat there, he reflected on the people who remained; people who cared about him despite his less-than-ideal demeanor, people he respected secretly, and others he could genuinely call friends.

Pulling out his phone, Klaus scrolled through his contacts, his thumb hovering over names he had added in recent months. For someone who had lived most of his life as a loner, the list felt almost overwhelming.

As he continued to glance, one name caught his eye, and he paused, staring at it in thoughtful silence, almost appreciating the idea of having them in his life. Finally, after a bit of thinking, he tapped the call button and held the phone to his ear.

The line rang several times before it went to voicemail. Klaus considered trying again but decided against it, understanding they might be busy. Just as he was about to put his phone away, his gaze landed on another name; one listed immediately above the one he had previously called.

After a moment's hesitation, he dialed the number as well. The phone rang for a few moments before the person finally picked up.

"Uh... hello?" Riley's voice sounded, surprised. "Klaus, is that you?"

"Hey, Riley," Klaus said softly, his tone mellower than usual. "Hope I didn't wake you."

Riley was completely caught off guard by the moment. "No, it's fine," she replied quickly. "I'm just... shocked, is all. Never thought I'd get a call from you."

"We're friends, aren't we?" Klaus asked, his brow quirking slightly.

"I guess you're right," Riley said, her surprise giving way to a small, warm laugh.

Though the call had been unexpected, Riley welcomed it wholeheartedly, grateful for the rare moment of connection.


Riley: So... how've you been? Anything new?

Klaus: Not really. Though I just finished a piece with Tyler as Wallpaper if that counts.

Riley: Wallpaper?

Klaus: It's a graffiti thing.

Riley: Hold on. Like THE Wallpaper?

Klaus: I wouldn't exactly say it like that.

Riley began to put everything together, the realization hitting her fast as shock filled her expression.

Riley: Wait. You're NightShade.

Klaus let out a sigh, realizing Riley's awareness of his alter ego.

Klaus: I guess.

Riley: Damn, that's so cool. I hear about you guys from time to time, but I would've never guessed that it was you.

Klaus: Why is that?

Riley: I dunno. Guess I never thought someone like you could take part in vandalism.

Klaus: It's not vandalism. It's art.

Riley grinned playfully at Klaus' assertion.

Riley: Uh huh. Sure, buddy. I'm sure the cops would agree with you completely.

Klaus: *smiling* I'm sure they will.

A brief moment of silence went by.

Riley: Wait, I just realized that you said 'with Tyler.' So does that mean he's Ghost?

Klaus: He's Karma.

Riley: *whispering* Damn, I lost the coin flip.

Klaus: A pretty obvious one as well, don't you think?

Riley: *grinning* Okay, okay. I get it.

After a moment of reflection and realization, Riley's voice broke the silence once again, her tone hesitant. "So, that would also mean that Aura was…" she started but stopped herself.

A brief moment went by before Klaus finally responded. "Yeah," he murmured softly.

The air grew still between them for a few heartbeats, the unspoken weight palpable. Sensing the heaviness of the moment, Riley quickly pivoted the conversation.

"Oh, by the way," she began, her tone brightening, "I've been thinking about heading back to Higher World to get back into training. I've been on Earth for way too long, and I've definitely been slacking. You should join me."

Klaus raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Are you sure?"

"Of course," Riley replied confidently. "It'll be fun."

"Training isn't supposed to be fun," Klaus deadpanned.

"Okay, buzzkill," Riley quipped with a playful edge. "But seriously, it'll be good for you. You haven't trained in weeks, and you're clearly not at your best. Think of it as, I don't know, rejuvenation training."

Klaus hesitated. The idea of training with someone else felt foreign to him. Apart from IV, his personal trainer, he'd always preferred solitude in these matters.

But Riley wasn't about to let him off the hook. "Come on," she urged, her voice coaxing.

With a resigned sigh, Klaus finally relented. "Fine."

A triumphant cheer rang through the phone. "Nice!" Riley exclaimed. "Let's start tomorrow, if that works for you."

"Sure... I guess," Klaus replied, his tone neutral.

After a few more minutes of casual conversation, Klaus said his goodbyes and hung up. He remained seated on the bench, gazing at the cityscape in the distance as his thoughts wandered. Eventually, after lingering in silence, he stood and vanished from the spot in an instant.

The next morning, Klaus prepared to depart for Higher World. He informed his mother about his plans beforehand, explaining that the training would help him fully recover and regain his strength. Natalie was supportive, understanding the importance of him returning to his natural physique.

Once ready, Klaus texted Riley to let her know he was on his way. Her reply came soon after, explaining that she'd be a bit late since she had errands to run for her mother before leaving. But Klaus didn't mind waiting for her to begin.

After arriving at the transportation point, Klaus departed for Higher World.

As Klaus regained his consciousness upon arrival, he headed toward the apartment building where he and Riley planned to meet. Finding a bench near the entrance, he sat down, his gaze drifting as he waited.

A few minutes passed before he noticed someone approaching from the direction of the Training Facility. The figure drew closer, and Klaus recognized the blonde hair with pink highlights tied back in a scrunchie. It was Rose.

Her posture was slightly slouched, and her breaths came in slightly heavy, deliberate intervals; clear signs of exhaustion. She must have been training for hours, Klaus noted despite the distance.

As she neared, Rose spotted him and broke into a smile. "Hey, Klaus," she greeted, raising a hand in a casual wave. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Hey, Rose," Klaus replied. "Yeah, it's been about three weeks. How've you been?"

"I'm doing fine," Rose said, her smile unwavering despite her evident fatigue. "Just been really busy training here in Higher World since the day I found out you finally emerged from your room."

Klaus nodded, Rose's words confirming her current state. "I'm guessing that's why you look so worn out," he remarked.

Rose chuckled lightly, brushing a few stray strands of hair from her face. "Oh, yeah," she admitted. "I've been training non-stop lately, so much that I haven't been in touch with anyone for so long. It's been exhausting, considering I have to train both physically and mentally, but I've been getting the hang of it."

Rose's words confirmed a silent assumption from Klaus, but he chose not to address it. "That's quite impressive, Rose," he eventually said with a small smile, impressed by the determination that shone through her exhaustion. "I'm glad to hear that."

"So, what brings you to Higher World?" Rose asked after a moment, her voice casual yet warm. 

"The same as you, honestly," Klaus replied. "I haven't been in good shape since the crisis, so I'm here to get back on track." 

Rose nodded, her expression brightening with encouragement. "That's great! I'm sure you'll bounce back in no time." 

As she spoke, an idea sparked in her mind, and her face lit up. "Oh, I've got it! We should train together," she suggested, her enthusiasm evident. "It'd be a win-win. You could work on getting back into form, and I'd have a sparring partner to push me further. Besides, we've sparred before already, so it'd feel natural. What do you think?" 

Rose's excitement was infectious, but it only made Klaus' response harder to give. Her hopeful expression weighed on him as he prepared to answer. 

"I'd love to," he began carefully, "but I'm already training with Riley. She's actually the one I'm waiting for right now." 

Rose's bright energy dimmed just a touch, though she tried to mask it with a small smile. "Oh," she murmured, her voice softening. "Well, that's okay." 

"I'm sorry, Rose," Klaus said, his tone apologetic. 

"There's no need to apologize," Rose replied, her smile steady, even if slightly forced. "It's fine, really. I'm used to training on my own anyway, so it's no big deal." 

An awkward silence hung between them for a moment before Rose broke it. "Well, it was nice catching up with you," she said, shifting her attention to the apartment building. "But I should get going. I've been training for hours, and I seriously need some sleep." 

"That's fine," Klaus replied, offering a nod. "Guess I'll see you around." 

Rose turned toward the building and began to head inside. "Later, Dream Boy," she playfully called over her shoulder, waving casually as she entered the building. 

Klaus watched her go, sensing the hint of disappointment she'd tried to hide. He sighed softly but knew there wasn't much he could do. A few more minutes passed before Riley finally arrived. 

"Hey, Klaus!" Riley greeted, her grin wide as she approached. "Ready to get intense?" 

Klaus raised an eyebrow, his silence speaking volumes on his confusion. 

"Okay, not my greatest moment," Riley admitted after noticing the awkwardness. 

Before they could head off, she paused, a thought striking her. "By the way," she said, turning her head towards Klaus, "are we using your training room or mine?" 

"Does it matter?" Klaus asked, his tone neutral. 

"Not really," Riley admitted with a shrug. "But I still need an answer, though." 

Klaus sighed before responding. "Fine. We'll use mine," he said, not particularly eager to adapt to a new setup, despite saying it didn't matter. 

With that settled, the two began making their way to Klaus' training room, ready to start their session.