Welcome to my life

Hi my name is Taida Haru but my close friends just call me Haru.

Well I only have one close friend, in fact he's my only friend Gabriel Briar. We live in a dorm room together for university.

He's  the best. He's  also super into gaming but has a better social life than mine and if anything he's the only reason I see the sun at all other than school.

All I do with myself all day besides studies is just playing video games. I know it's incredibly unproductive but believe it or not I like my current lifestyle.

I keep in touch with alot of gamers and streamers my favorite  one has to be unentitledghost47 also known as miku alvie

Everyone knows her but my best friend is obsessed  with her.

"Hey dude guess what." Gabriel burst through my door with a huge grin on his face.

I looked at him not responding, trying to process what he just said after being up for 24 hours just playing video games. 

He walked in and opened the blinds letting all the light in. I quickly covered my eyes. I felt like I was flash banged  from a close range. 

"What the hell man?"  The sudden change of light left me blind for a hot second.

"Good, you're awake." Gabriel said, still grinning from ear to ear. 

"Guess  what?" 

"I'm gonna need glasses?" 

"nope." he said with full confidence 

"you sure?" I said, rubbing my eyes.


"Ok then what is it?" I could tell he could barely hold in his excitement. 

"Unentitledghost47 is going to have a live meet and greet  right here!" 

"Right here?" I tilted my head confused to what he meant. "you mean in this apartment?" 

Gabriel facepalmed the moment I said those words.

"No. I mean right In town celebrating gamestop's grand reopening!" 

Grand reopening?? it's been years!

"Wait what!?" I said finally getting what he said quickly standing up.

"When is it??" 

"It's tomorrow!"

I grinned from ear to ear. I couldn't wait. The two of us were practically squealing by the amount of fanboying we were doing.


In the year 2145 the world has seen a lot of technological advancements but what people were most focused on were not the rockets going to inhabit Mars or the  military weapons being built, what we were actually focused on were the evolution of gaming! 

Vr headsets that give you a complete feel of the game without the clunky  controls of 2019-2020 were sweeping the nation. Everyone liked the thought of having a physical body in a game where you can feel pain, enjoy food, you name it!

Though out of all the evolution that game out of gaming the ones who evolved the most were the gamers.

Nowadays we refer to gamers as casual players, the content creators and speedrunners  of the world we call drifters. They are the best of the best no average or casual player can beat them.

I wanna be like that one day but sadly I never had the time. The only reason I'm In university to begin with was to make my mom proud for once but going to this event will change the entire course of my life!