The Dungeons

Maeve was sitting in her room, thinking about what all happened in the past few hours. She had somehow dragged this wretched body to the healer's room and then back to her room. 

There was a headache forming and she wanted to sleep, but she was anxious about the fact that Gladys was in the dungeons. Who knew when she would open her mouth? And if she opened her mouth, things would go down. It was only a matter of three days and until that she had to silence Gladys. 

She picked up a glass of water and drank it down in one go. Though she could use her magic to heal herself, she wasn't ready for another rupture on her skin. This body was barely holding her powers. Moreover, she had to use her magic for the right purpose and the main one was to silence Gladys. Thankfully, she hadn't revealed to the healer about their plan, else she would have to silence the healer as well.