Dungeon for the first time 2

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After I killed that goblins and figured out how to use my magic a bit.

It looks like I have a point to start, and I will try to understand how it works step by step.

However, can dungeon let me be to think about it?

The answer is, of course, no. When did the dungeon stop?

It never did, and it never will.

There are two goblins again in front of me.

When they noticed me, they immediately shrieked and started running toward me.

I didn't stay idle either and relaxed my position.

I won't make the same mistake I did last time.

At that time, I didn't use my body momentum well, so I couldn't slash the head of the gobbling with my sword in one hand.

If I make the techniques of my sword similar to the Wing-Chun and Muay-Thai combined, I think I would get a good result.

Right now, I don't even have any proper use of the sword; I am just simply slashing.

And that requires practice to master. But that doesn't mean I can't try it right now.

With that, I took a stance which is my own developed stance, that basically makes my attacks a bit fiercer while reducing the possibility of parrying or guarding an attack.

With that, I tensed my muscles and dashed to the side, dodging the attack of goblins.

However, before I could open the distance, I instantly turned my direction to the closest goblin, and while rotating my body, I slashed it diagonally and separated its body into two.

With that, the first goblin vanished, and without losing my angular momentum, I jumped to the other one while turning in the air and slashed its head with my other sword and killed it.

With the two of them dead, I heard the system's voice in my head.

With that explanation, I understood how falna and my system interact. It looks like this system is only useful for tracking my status and my progress with my skills. It doesn't appear to be dynamically effective right now; however, after leveling up, things might change.

With that, I thought of 'status' and 'quests' in my mind.


System experience to level up %30

Level 1

· Strength: 0 I

· Endurance: 0 I

· Dexterity: 0 I

· Agility: 0 I

· Magic: 0 I


- Blade Dancer: Mastery %1


- Narcissus Thyme


· {Reach to the fourth floor}

o Conditions: Reach the fourth floor of the dungeon

o Rewards: Trait [Mental Toughness] is added to the traits.

%20 percent of system level-up experience

I see; it looks like I was on the right thinking way with my magic 'Blade Dancer'.

And from the looks of it, this quest is essential to me since there are several gods and magics that affect the mind, which is one of the things I fear the most.

With that, it looks like I will be able to resist the mental attacks for quite an amount of time.

With that, I started to walk to the entrance of the second floor, and I didn't encounter any other monster.

After reaching the stairs, I started to descend to the second floor.

You can see several adventurers resting on the stairs, and there are some trying to heal their injuries by drinking some potions or applying some ointments.

Since the stairs are said to be a safe zone, even though they are not, most of the adventurers decided to rest there. Of course, there are others who damage the dungeon to rest too.

Since the dungeon always prioritizes healing itself, she doesn't create any monsters when the walls are damaged; at least, this is what adventurers have observed so far.

When I was descending, I saw some of the people looking at me, probably because I was a new face.

After descending for a bit, I reached the second floor.

On this floor, the rate of monster spawn increases while the kobolds also start to appear.

After reaching there, I started to search for an isolated area again.

Although it is early in the morning, the first floor and this floor look quite crowdy.

After reaching for an isolated place, the dungeon didn't disappoint me and instantly spawned three monsters.

Two of them were goblins, while the other one was a kobold.

For those who don't know, the kobold is a monster with a wolf-like head. It stands on only two feet.

When I got a bit closer to them, the monsters immediately started rushing me.



With those screams, they started rushing at me.

Since the monsters on the first four floors only attack with their instincts, they don't have a formation or something like that.

And, without a formation, it will be quite easy for me.

The kobold reached me first and slashed me with its nails.

However, before it could even reach me, I had already moved to his back and slashed it with my sword while strengthening it with my magic.


The moment I slashed it into the two, I instantly turned my body to the side while swinging my sword with a crescent motion and slashed the incoming goblin.



However, my attack got collided with the attack of the other goblin, and I could only kill one with that attack.

However, since the power behind my attack got strengthened with my magic, this time, the goblin was the one who got pushed back.

After that, I instantly rushed it again and slashed its head, killing it swiftly.

I looted three of them and got the drop item of the kobolds, a kobold nail.

I put my haul in my inventory and started descending again.

Well, the rate of drops is a bit low for me, but it doesn't matter too much, I guess.

If the rate is low, all I need to do is kill more monsters, right?

And, the drop items from goblins and kobolds are not that pricy anyway.

With that, I kept descending to the second floor.

After walking for at most one minute, I found a group of four this time.

Three kobolds and one goblin.

However, this time I noticed them before they could notice me, so I started to observe them a bit and look for if there were any adventurers nearby.

The moment I concluded there weren't any adventurers, I instantly dashed to them.

I took the dagger I got from my brother, which I didn't have a need to use, and threw it to the goblin's head, piercing it in the process.

After that, I instantly dashed toward the first kobold and slashed its abdomen.

Since kobolds are a bit longer than goblins, I could slash their abdomen more easily.

After that, I dodged the attack of the kobold behind the first one while crouching and threw a low reverse roundhouse kick to its feet and made him fall.

After it fell, I slashed its head with my sword while stabbing the last one with my other sword.

After that, I killed it while severing its head with the sword I used to slash the one before.

Since I killed all of them, I brought the drops they dropped.

I said drops, but there were only magic stones.


With that, I kept descending until I heard some screams from humans…