Dungeon for the first time 4

Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want to support me; I have 15 chapters ahead there.

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You can also check my original novel Villain Wants to Live; I have the same type of MC in that novel too.

Then without making you wait too much, enjoy the chapter.


"Thank you so much for helping us. If you didn't come, we would have died. Thank you again for saving us, sir- What?"

The swordsman guy said.

However, the moment he saw my face, he got dumbfounded.

It looks like he wasn't expecting a 13-year-old kid to save him, and his dumbfounded expression looks hilarious.

"Um, thank you for saving us. What should I call you?"

The archer girl said while trying to get up.

"You can call me Wayne. And don't worry about it. I just did that on a whim. Everyone would do that if they were in my place. So you don't need to worry about that. If you don't have anything to say more, I will get going."

I really don't like dealing with these types of things, so I decided to cut to the chase and get going.

And also, it is not like I did that to help them; I just wanted to kill that guy—nothing more, nothing less.

After saying that, I started to walk deeper into the dungeon; since the quest wanted me to reach the fourth floor, so I would just try to reach that place.

Normally speaking, if you are a newbie adventurer, it would be better to hone your skills and increase your stats a little bit on the first two floors, then go for the third and fourth floors.

However, in my case, since the quest is encouraging me, I will go to the fourth floor directly.

With that, I left those guys, and they didn't say anything else to me either. It looks like they are still shocked by the events that happened in front of their eyes.

If not, they would have been asking me questions about what happened to their friend or how I killed those kobolds this fast, etc.

But it is good that they didn't ask anything since I wouldn't answer even if they asked.

After walking a bit, I encountered a group of 4 goblins.

It looks like miss dungeon wants to test me.

Then bring on what you have in it for me.

If it was this easy, wouldn't it be boring?

What did it say? Dancing on the thread of life alone, wasn't it?

Then I will be the ballerina.

With that cringe monologue, I dashed into the goblins.

I drew my two swords from my inventory while rotating the dagger around me.

The moment I dashed, there was a swung club in front of my face.



I dodged it by a breath and swung my sword to the arm of a goblin, severing it in the process.


After that, I instantly lowered my center of gravity to dodge the incoming knife slash to my head.


The moment I crouched, I directed the dagger to the attacker behind me and pierced its head.


After that, I rotated my body around a vertical axis and slashed the other two goblins rushing to me with my swords.


With that, I kept descending.

I encountered three other groups of monsters and annihilated them swiftly without getting an injury.

After annihilating the third group, I reached the staircase to the third floor.

I decided to rest a bit and get my breath together since I had been fighting non-stop for three hours or something.

After resting on the staircase a bit, I descended to the third floor.

Generally speaking, in the first four floors of the dungeon, there are only kobolds and goblins out there.

Then what is changing while reaching deeper floors in this section?

It is simple, the spawn rate of monsters increases with the spawn number of monsters in the same area.

That means there will be more monster groups with more monsters in them.

And I directly observed that by living.

The moment I stepped onto the third floor, miss dungeon immediately sent me a group of 5 monsters.

Although there are several other adventurers in close proximity, I can't ignore these monsters in front of me right now.

With that thought, I dashed to the kobold in front of me.

This time, I will only use one sword since it is pretty taxing on my arms to use them separately.


After I reached it, I instantly slashed its shoulder diagonally and killed it in one shot.


However, there was a fast attack coming from my side, which I dodged by stepping back.

There I saw a kobold and a goblin.

However, those guys look a bit bigger than normal goblins and kobolds. A variant on the third floor? Wow, that is pretty unique. But it doesn't matter.

They didn't let me stay for a long time and attacked me again. It looks like they are faster than their peers since I had a hard time dodging the attack just now.

I dashed again and dodged the club of goblin.

After that, I strengthened the press on my left foot and crouched to slash the feet of the goblin.


After slashing its feet, I threw a breakdance kick to its face making it lose its balance.

I regained my footing with an acrobatic jump and dodged the claw of the kobold instantly.

After dodging its attack, I threw a kick to its body and made him fall, followed by a slash on its neck.


But the moment I attacked it to kill it, I got attacked by a nail from another kobold as well.


And I couldn't dodge it and got injured in the process.

This was the first time I got injured in the dungeon, and I must say it was not a pleasant feeling.

After I got hit, I turned my body and threw a punch to the kobold's face, and opened the distance between him and me.

Although I have some potions with me, I won't use them right now. I will use them after this fight since the harder the fight, the more excelia I get.

After that, I rushed the kobold and tried to slash its head, but since my speed was a bit slower because of the injury, the kobold evaded it.

I followed with another slash and injured it in its abdomen.

However, that kobold wasn't the only enemy I was facing at that moment.

I instantly dodged the attack coming from my side and saw there was a goblin there.

Since I am close to mind zero, I can't afford to use my magic more.

It looks like this is my limit to my magic at stat zero, which is quite good at the start.

Since I won't be able to use my magic anymore, it is better for me to focus on my close combat rather than that.

With that, I dashed to the goblin immediately to attack its head and slashed it with my sword.


With that one slash, I killed it immediately and returned my attention to the goblin I slashed the feet of.

I decided to kill this guy first since there are always some unforeseen circumstances that can happen in the dungeon.

And I don't like leaving my fate to the unknown or luck.

So, I instantly attacked its abdomen and slashed it to the two.


After killing it, there are only two kobolds left for me to kill.

And they didn't want me to come at them and attacked me aggressively without giving me any chance to make a move.


I instantly dodged the attack of kobold by moving to my left and attacking the one behind, slashing its head in the process.

Since kobolds are monsters almost at my height, I am not having a hard tie severing their necks.


After slashing the neck of the one behind, I instantly rotated my body 180 degrees and slashed the body of the kobold behind with my momentum.

After killing all of them, I looted their magic stones and kept descending.

I kept fighting with the monsters, and the number of the monsters in the group raised slowly at the end; I almost died at the hands of a group with seven monsters.

Although I considered the option of pass parading, I didn't do it in the end and fought all of them alone.

If I am not going to challenge my limits, what is the point of going into the dungeon?

With those thoughts, I reached the staircase of the fourth floor of the dungeon and decided to step onto the fourth floor of the dungeon…