Ais Wallenstein

Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want to support me; I have 15 chapters ahead there.

You can vote for the potential heroines on my Pat reon as well.

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You can also check my original novel Villain Wants to Live; I have the same type of MC in that novel too.

Then without making you wait too much, enjoy the chapter.


I heard Iris' voice inside my head.

The moment I killed every last monster here, I gave in to the fatigue and fell to the ground.

The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was a person walking with metal armor and a thin sword scabbard with a thin sword attached to it.




The moment I opened my eyes, the first thing that I saw was a pair of golden eyes looking at me curiously.

And what is with this soft feeling behind my head?

Since my vision is blurred, I can't figure out the identity of the person in front of me right now.

Also, all the muscles around my body feel sore, and there are some pined areas too.

Hah, I remembered right now.

This person must have saved me, or rather she or he must have carried me to a safe zone since although I have killed all of the monsters out there, that doesn't mean I would be safe while being unconscious.

"Are you okay?"

I heard a soft melodic voice coming from above.

It looks like this person noticed my awakening.

After my vision recovered, I immediately recognized the face in front of me.

Yes, I recognized her.

She is the famous Ais Wallenstein.

The blonde-haired air-headed heroine of the show.

And I must say, she looks even more beautiful in reality than her screen self.

It looks like I got saved by Ais Wallenstein, the Sword Princess.

Ah, it is ironic that, just like Bell, I got saved by the Ais Wallenstein as well.

But the difference this time is it was my fault o be in the position to be saved since, at that time, Bell wasn't at fault. It was the fault of Loki Familia.

"Is something wrong? Why are you not answering?"

Ah, crap. I forgot to answer her question, but wait; there is something wrong here.

The soft feeling behind my head, massaka!

It must be the legendary lap pillow as well as from Ais Wallenstein.

"I am okay; thank you for saving me at that time. Even though I had cleared every monster then, I would be in trouble if you didn't help me get to the safe zone."

I sincerely thanked her since all of those were true.

However, her lap pillow is very comfortable. I don't think I felt anything more comfortable than that in my entire life, and it looks like I won't be able to feel something better than this for a long time too.

((Author: I wouldn't say that though 😉))

And there I saw Ais Wallenstein putting her finger on her lips. It looks like she is thinking about something.

After thinking about it for a bit, she looked at me.

It looks like she wanted to say something but decided not to at the last second.

Well, I am a bit curious, but I won't pry.

"How much time has passed since you helped me?"

She put her finger on his lips again and thought for a bit.

Her airheaded expressions look a bit funny. I can probably watch her face for hours.

But I can't at the same time.

Since she is one of the strongest adventurers in Orario, it is a miracle to encounter her in the dungeon, let alone have a conversation with her.

And, probably after this time, I won't see her for a long time either.

"It has been 15 minutes at most."

She answered after pondering a bit.

Fifteen minutes huh?

Her legs might be starting to feel uncomfortable. Even though I am still not satisfied with the feeling of her soft thighs on the back of my head, it wouldn't be polite to my savior to take advantage of her kindness to satisfy my selfish desires.

With those thoughts in my mind, I decided to stand up and sit by myself.

But the moment I tried to raise my body, I felt the soreness of my body clearly.

It looks like I pushed myself a bit too far today, and I won't be able to visit the dungeon for a bit, either.

And it looks like she noticed it too.

"Do you not feel well? If so, you don't need to push yourself to get up."

She said while looking into my eyes.

Normally speaking, most people in the past wouldn't be able to look into my eyes directly like that, but it looks like, for Ais-san, it is not that hard.

However, I don't understand one thing, why did she give me a lap pillow?

I know in the anime she did it to the Bell too, but I couldn't understand it in the anime either.

Bell and I both were strangers to her. So, I don't think she would give a lap pillow to any random stranger.

That probably had to do with Bell's innocence, but I don't know if that is the case for me.

But I can't confirm any of that right now, and I also can't simply ask that either.

"I am okay; it is just that I pushed myself a bit far, so my body feels a bit sore. It is not a thing I can't cope with, so don't worry."

I said while standing up.

After I straightened my body up, I leaned on the floor of the dungeon.

"Thank you, miss, for helping me. If it wasn't for you, I would probably be in a very dire situation right now."

I said while looking into her yellow eyes. No matter how much I look into them, it looks like they would always bring my gaze deep into themselves.

"Un. Don't worry. It was nothing much."

She said.

I knew from anime that Ais-san was not skilled in the social interaction side, and seeing her in real life really confirms that.

One of the most important things while talking with someone is that you must not make your sentence too short. It will make the person in front of you think that you don't like talking to them.

And, Ais-san always finishes her sentences with an awkward and serious tone as well, which makes people think the conversation is over.

After that, I got up from the seat I took near the Ais-san and said:

"Then, what are you going to do, miss? Will you dive deeper into the dungeon? Or are you going back to the surface?"

Although I knew her name, I wanted her to say her name to me by herself if she wanted to introduce herself to me.

And I asked that since I wanted to go to the surface, but it would be a bit hard by myself; either I would need to follow some adventurers going upstairs, or I need an escort.

"I will go to the surface."

She said.

It looks like the road to the surface may not be that boring.

"Then, can I accompany you, miss? I don't think I can handle the road to the back alone?"

I asked since I didn't want to bother her any more than this if she didn't want me to accompany her.

She put her finger on her lips again.

It looks like this is the subconscious gesture she makes when she thinks about something.

After thinking, she said:

"Okay, I am not in a rush, so I can slow my pace to your level."

She said while nodding a bit.

However, I must say that the way she normally said she would limit her pace to my level hurt my pride and made me feel a bit angry, not to her but to myself.

It looks like I need to work hard to get stronger to not bow my head to anyone.

With that, we walked to the surface, and I got to see Ais Wallenstein fighting.

Well, I wouldn't say I saw everything clearly since she just kills the goblins with one fast strike, and even if she limits her level, it is still too much for me to see her moves clearly.

But even this is enough.

I can observe how she positions herself at the start or how she uses her foot to balance her standing while attacking.

I need to learn about swords and train myself in this aspect to improve my fighting.

I can also choose the spear, but I won't.

Since I generally use slashing, I have always been an agile and dexterous person rather than a strong person.

I will need to buy a sword that suits me too.

With that, we reached the surface in almost no time since we didn't even lose more than three seconds for each monster.

After we reached, I bid my farewells to the Ais-san and left for the church.

Although I want to exchange the magic stones with the guild, it can wait.

Right now, I am excited to see how much I have grown since it was a really dangerous dive.

After that, I started walking to the church.

After walking for a bit, I reached there and immediately went to see the Hestia, but it looked like I had made a mistake.

I forgot that Hestia was working…