Hostess of Fertility 2

Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want to support me; I have 15 chapters ahead there.

You can vote for the potential heroines on my Pat reon as well.

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You can also check my original novel Villain Wants to Live; I have the same type of MC in that novel too.

Then without making you wait too much, enjoy the chapter.


After I went inside, I observed the pub a bit, and it looked pretty lively here.

Adventurers are talking, beautiful waitresses carrying the meals adventurers ordered, and Mama Mia is ordering the staff and managing the bar behind.

While looking around, I headed toward to service stall and sat at one of the empty tables.

Although it is pretty crowded, the work efficiency of the workers here is very high; they are working very precisely and effectively.

After I sat there, without making me wait even a minute, a cat girl with brown hair appeared beside me and asked me for my order.

"Hello, mister nya, what do you want to order, nya?"

She must be Anya, if I remember correctly.

In the anime, she looked a bit airheaded and dumb, but I don't know the real one.

Well, it is not my first time seeing cat people talk, but I still can't get used to it, nonetheless.

And this girl talks pretty cutely, but let's not make her wait.

"Hello, I don't know what to order. Can you give me some recommendations?"

I asked her since I didn't know what things this place was good at.

And it looks like I made the right choice by asking her.

"We have almost all the food in Orario nya, but I recommend you to our past with our special sauce nya. You can order any other meal with it, be it meat or vegetable nya. We also have drinks, but you don't look like you are old enough to drink, mister nya."

She said, and it was just as I expected.

I heard this place is really good at making sauces for their pasta, so why not try it?

"Okay, then. I will take one portion of pasta you talked about and one portion of beef with a drink you want for me. Is that okay?"

I said.

Since I want to balance my diet, I want to have protein in my meals too.

At that time, when my other self was living by himself, he was always trying to maintain a balanced diet, and he had a pretty good physique.

Although my physique is not that bad, it would still be better for me to eat properly since I am in the growth period of my body.

And I don't want to look so thin like Bell in the anime. I think it would be better to have a lean physique as well.

"Okay, nya. I will bring your order when it is ready, nya."

I want a cat right now.

But I don't understand something, are the cat people unable to change the way they talk, or are they just doing it because they want to?

I must admit, most of them look cute with the way they speak, but that doesn't mean it is always a good thing.

For starters, it reduces the seriousness in the atmosphere, which may not be a good thing always—some people may prefer professionalism over something like cuteness.

Anyway, as I said, they are pretty efficient.

After waiting at most 3 or 4 minutes, my meal is served.

And it looks really delicious. I can't wait to ingest it right now.

"Here is your order, nya, and if you want to order something else, just call me nya."

With that, Anya left, and I started munching the food.

Ah, this is heaven.

In the time period of my 13 years of life, I have never experienced something like this.

The texture of the sauce, mixed with the tenderness of the meat while drinking the juice or whatever it was they gave me, made my whole day better with just one bite.

I must say, I am impressed. I certainly had high expectations, but it wasn't to this extent.

Since my other self liked to eat junk food from time to time, I thought the food here wouldn't compare to modern food, but it seems like I was wrong.

Certainly, modern food is still better than this, but it is still a good achievement itself to be able to be compared to modern food without all those technologies.

Anyway, the food tastes really good, and I may even order another portion if I can.

While I was thinking like that and savoring the food, I heard someone come near me and sat there.

At first, I was not going to pay attention to the person sitting next to me, but just at that moment, a soft fragrance assaulted my nose.

And I couldn't help but get curious about this fragrance since it looked like I had smelled it before.

The moment I turned my head, I saw a girl with grey hair wearing a waitress uniform.

And I immediately understood who she was.

Since she is also a character from the anime, a very significant one, I must say.

Yes, this girl is the infamous Syr Flova.

And she looks equally beautiful as others in this tavern but strange as it may sound, she has a different aura on her.

Although I don't know where I am getting this feeling, when I look into her eyes, it feels like she can see deep inside me.

I didn't have this feeling even when I was in front of Hestia.

I may be imagining things, but it would still be better to be careful.

However, it seems like I was lost in my thoughts for quite a bit since she is looking at me with a playful smile right now.

"Have you looked enough, mister?"

She said with a teasing tone, and I couldn't figure out her intentions.

"Ahem, I am sorry if I appeared rude just now. It felt like I saw you from somewhere. Umm, have we ever met before, miss?"

I asked her to regain my composure.

"Hmm, I don't think we have ever met. It's just I saw you sitting here alone, and since I was on a break, I decided to sit next to you. It is okay, right?"

She put her finger on her lips and pondered a bit before answering. It looks like it was my imagination. Well, although her scent seemed familiar, it didn't have to mean I had encountered her before; it may be another person with a scent like this.

Well, since she denied that, it would be rude for me to pursue this matter for too long.

"Of course, you can accompany me, umm, miss? What should I call you? Ah, you can call me Wayne, by the way."

I asked her, pretending not to know her from the anime.

"You can call me Syr, Wayne-kun. I was wondering that but are you an adventurer?"

She asked me after introducing herself. Is it really that obvious I am an adventurer?

"Yes, I am an adventurer. But how did you know? I don't think I look like an adventurer right now."

"You can call it a gut feeling. Although you look young, you kind of give a vibe of an adventurer, and seeing you can afford our prices; I thought you were an adventurer. Hehe, it seems I was right on the point, aren't I?"

She said while giggling a bit.

I must say that having a conversation with Syr is quite fun.

Although I haven't interacted with anyone from the opposite gender frequently, it is not like I am uncomfortable with them. It is just that sometimes the conversation gets awkward since I am messing up with the flow.

However, when it comes to the Syr, this is not the case at all. She can direct the conversation well, and when she thinks the conversation is getting stuck, she instantly changes the topic.

"Then, I wanted to ask this for quite some time, how old are you, Wayne-kun? It doesn't look like you are past 15 or something. You look very young."

While we were talking, she suddenly asked.

Well, it is not like I wasn't expecting this.

"I am close to 14 Syr-san, is something wrong, though?"

"Well, nothing is wrong, but why are you trying to become an adventurer at such a young age, Wayne-kun?"

"Well, I have my reasons, but I can say that I want to be strong. So strong that I can crush everything that comes my way. This is my reason."

I answered her looking a bit serious since my aim is really that.

"I see; it certainly is a good reason to be an adventurer. Well, it was good to chat with you, but my break time is almost over, so I need to go back. Come back again, okay? I would like to chat with you a bit more."

She said while getting up.

It looks like she also understood we were chatting for quite a long time since Mama Mia has been looking at this way for quite a long time.

"Thank you, Syr-san, for accompanying me, and don't worry, I think I will come to this place often since I like the food here."

I answered, but at that moment, I heard another voice coming from behind me.

"Ho, is the food the only thing good here, nya? So, you are saying chatting with Syr is not that important for you nya."

I turned to see the person speaking, and as expected, it was Anya.

And she got a teasing smile on her face.

"Ah, Wayne-kun, I am a bit offended right now. Did you not have fun while talking with me? Did you really force yourself to speak with me?"

And I heard Syr's voice which looked a bit sad.

Ah, I did it again.

"No, no, of course, it wasn't just the food; talking with a beautiful girl like Syr-san was also a good thing. I am looking forward to meeting with her in the future."

I answered Anya.

"Fufu, did you hear what you said right now, nya?"

The moment I realized what I had said, my face instantly fired up.

And I turned to see the expression on Syr's face, and as expected, she was blushing, but I could see a slight smile on her face.

Fuck, I got played, and right now, I am too embarrassed to talk.

"Ahem, I think I should leave since it is getting late. See you later, Syr-san."

"See you later, Wayne-kun. Take care."

I bid my farewells to Syr and immediately dashed out from the Hostess and headed to the church…