Status 2

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After lying on the bed, Hestia dropped her blood on my back, and the room started shining, and a warm feeling enveloped me.

No matter how many times I see it, I can't help but be amazed by it.

Although this excitement will probably go down later on time when I get used to it, right now, the feeling of getting stronger is making me really addicted.

"Wayne-kun, it seems like this time you didn't put yourself in too much danger. I am happy that you are being careful. Thank you."

Hestia said to me.

It seems like she can understand how dangerous it was from my stats growth, which is normal since excelia itself works like that.

If you don't put yourself in a dangerous situation where your life will be in danger, your growth will be limited.

Since excelia is highly affected by the feelings of adventurers, you need to feel uncomfortable while fighting with monsters, or at least this is why I deduced it.

The principle of excelia is simply making adventurer quite their comfort zone.

Let's say you are getting used to the first four floors; they are not giving you any challenges anymore. Then if you keep staying on those floors, you will hardly see any improvement in your stats.

This is because even you don't think fighting with those monsters is very hard, and because of that, you excelia gain very small.

On the other hand, if you fight with a monster that you can easily fight with your stats while thinking that monster is powerful, you will gain excelia more than you would gain in a normal situation.

And this was the case for the Bell as well.

He got forcibly leveled up in his first fight with the minotaur since that monster was stronger than him, and he also feared the minotaur since he almost got killed by one at the beginning of the show.

This is probably the reason why my growth is less than yesterday, and Hestia can understand too.

(( No, it was not because of that; Hestia understood. It was because gods or goddesses can see the dangerous things their familia members experienced while using the falna. ))

"Wayne-kun, no matter how many times I see your falna, I can't get used to it, you know. You are simply growing too fast for your own good. I am scared that something will happen to you."

Hestia said while hugging me from behind.

It looks like she is starting to warm up to me, which is good. It felt like there was a bit of distance between her and me in the beginning, but it looks like she is getting more comfortable with me now.

"Kami-sama, don't worry. I won't leave you like that after I get stronger, you know. I am not an ungrateful person to do that. So, please don't worry about this anymore."

I told her that it was starting to get boring doing all those talks again and again.

"Okay, Wayne-kun. Here you can see your status."

She said and gave me my status sheet to me.


Level 1

· Strength: 93 I

· Endurance: 85 I

· Dexterity: 116 H

· Agility: 113 H

· Magic: 128 H


- Blade Dancer


- Narcissus Thyme

From my status sheet, I can say that my theory is true.

Although I grew a lot, it is still almost half of the growth of yesterday, and I am pretty sure it will decrease with time since my stats will grow.

But, it is still a good improvement nevertheless.

My magic stat is shown the most growth, and it is pretty normal since I am using my magic every time I am free, and my mind reserves are full.

I am trying to improve my multitasking as well by using my magic while reading books or doing chores etc.

Heck, I even used it while running.

And I think I will be pretty dependent on my magic in the future, and this is the reason I am trying my best to improve my magic stat.

And with this improvement, I am very excited to use my magic in the dungeon tomorrow.

And with that, we started chatting with Hestia while talking about the things we wanted or didn't want to.

I also told her about the plans in my mind and how I wanted a new weapon for myself.

"Why do you want to change your equipment? Haven't you just become an adventurer three days ago?"

She asked me while looking at my face.

"Well, it is just that those weapons don't feel good while I am using them. It feels like they are not my type, and at the same time, they don't feel like good quality equipment. That's why I wanted to change my weapon. Also, the weapons in Hephaestus' shops looked cool, so I think I admired them a bit."

I explained to her while making my reasoning.

And while looking around at that time, I saw some of the shops of Hephaestus Familia and their items on display, and I must say they are quite brilliant.

And is it wrong to admire beautiful things?

I don't think so.

And since I don't have too much money right now, I think it will be a bit hard for me to acquire a good weapon right now, so I decided to put a hold on the good weapons for now and focus on improving my technique of swords.

"I see. Well, it is normal for you to admire those weapons since I think you are the kind of person who names his weapon, so it is no wonder like that. Then, when are you going to buy your new weapons, and what type of weapons do you want?"

She asked me, but before that, I think we should celebrate our familia. Because she was exhausted at that time we couldn't go to celebrate, but right now we have free time, so it would be better for us to go some sightseeing, I think.

"Kami-sama, before that. Do you want to celebrate my first haul with me? I think it would be a good change of atmosphere; what do you think?"

I asked Hestia and stared, looking at her while making a pitiful expression.


Seeing me saying that with my expression, she couldn't hold her giggle.

"Okay, let's celebrate then. Where are we going?"

She asked while looking at me, smiling.

In these three days of the period of my time with Hestia, I noticed something. Her genuine smile is really beautiful.

At that moment, the only emotion in my heart was admiration for her beauty, nothing else.

But let's put a hold on these feelings since she is waiting for me to answer.

"If you want, we can go to a restaurant and eat dinner while talking. Later we can walk around in the Orario; what do you think, Hestia-sama?"

I asked about my plan.

And it seems she doesn't have any preference either.

"Okay then, Wayne-kun. Please give me some time to get ready, okay? It is a bit sudden."

She said, and I decided to leave her alone and wait on the next floor.

After that, I started to get ready as well, but I didn't have too many clothes, so it didn't take too long for me to choose one.

Well, I didn't care too much about my appearance at that time since I wasn't interacting with anyone aside from James and Alicia, but I guess it was only me…

Anyway, after approximately thirty minutes or so, Hestia finally managed to leave her room.

I don't understand how it can take this long just to get you clothes.


The moment Hestia came upstairs, I was dumbfounded…

Her beauty is something else, and with her paying attention to her dress, she looks even more beautiful…

She wore a silky white dress extending until her knees, and with white shoes, on her feet, she looked like a pure beauty right now.

But the most important thing is that she let her hair down.

Normally she has her twin tails, but right now, her hair looks straight, giving her a unique charm I hadn't noticed until now.

"Hey, Wayne-kun. Don't stare at me too much; I am a bit embarrassed."

She said while averting her gaze.

"Ah, I am sorry Kami-sama, you just… You just looked really beautiful."

I managed to say it, and the moment she heard me, her all face instantly became red until her ears.

"Le- Let's go, Wayne-kun. We will be late."

She said, and we left the church just like that.

One black-haired boy with black clothes and near him a black-haired goddess with white clothes…