Buying Weapons

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Generally speaking, when you go upper floors of the Babel Tower, you might see more expensive equipment.

However, that is not always the case.

Even though I was looking for a good quality katana and a good blacksmith, I couldn't find anyone like that, so it was bothering me a bit.

And, since Eina-san was also looking for me, she recommended me some shops.

But like I said, either they wanted me to commission them specifically for both katanas and blades, or they wanted to sell me another type of sword.

Until I went into this shop, I hadn't managed to find good equipment suited to my tastes.

After entering the shop, I started skimming through the works on the display, and after skimming through all of them, I decided to check the ones on the backside.

And at that moment, I saw some set of weapons and armor, albeit they were shelved.

And I must say this guy has a unique way of thinking.

Although I am not some sort of weapon expert, these weapons are different from the ones before.

However, know that they are all shelved, which means either they are defective products or they are not liked by the customers.

While I was skimming all those products, I saw a familiar piece of armor.

Yes, it was the 'Rabbit Armor' Bell was using at the start of the anime.

And I immediately understood whose items these were.

Welf Crozzo, the person I was looking for, was the one who made these items.

It seems like I can finally meet with him in person.

At that moment, Eina-san came beside me and said;

"Wayne-kun, did you find something to your liking?"

She asked since I was standing there and looking at the products for quite a while.

"Yes, this blacksmith seems a bit different. Although I don't know how skilled he is, the way he thinks and produces things are different from other blacksmiths I have seen so far.

So I was wondering if this blacksmith could produce the things in my mind."

I said to Eina and started looking for Welf Crozzo.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

I asked and started waiting for an answer since there were no clerks.

And the moment I shouted, a shop clerk came nearside me from the backroom and asked me what was wrong.

I explained to him that I wanted to meet the blacksmith who made those weapons.

But sadly, it seems like Welf Crozzo was a bit problematic person, and his relationships with his fellow familia members were also not good.

The clerk said right now he couldn't call him here, so we needed to wait.

"Then, Wayne-kun, what do you want to do? Since we can't reach this blacksmith, what do you have in mind."

Eina asked me.

Well, it is okay tho.

Right now, Welf must still be a level 1 adventurer without a blacksmithing development ability.

Since Eina told me about some important things about blacksmiths.

It seems like today is not the day for us to buy new equipment, but it is fine too.

From this point on, I couldn't afford to buy the equipment sold there, so I decided to call it a day and keep diving with my normal equipment.

And with that, we exited the shop and started going back.

However, I must say Eina is really knowledgeable when it comes to things related to adventurers since she can answer all of my questions without delay.

While we were going down, I heard a shout coming from a nearby blacksmith shop.

"Hey, boy, come here for a second!"

I heard, but it seemed like they were not calling me, so I kept walking.

"Hey, I am calling you, you black-haired boy."

Well, it seems like they were calling me…

I turned back and saw a dwarf with a huge beard walking toward me.

"Umm, why are you calling me mister?"

I asked since I am a bit confused right now.

"Hehe, no need to be confused. You see, some of my fellow blacksmiths said there was a kid with black hair and unique tastes looking for a piece of equipment, but they said you rejected them all. Come here and tell me what you are looking for. Maybe I can help."

The dwarven guy said.

It seems like this person is one of the types of blacksmiths Eina told me about. Devoted to their jobs and always seeking a better product.

Well, I am not against it, but it seems like this person is some sort of senior for the other blacksmiths, so I hope he won't charge too much money.

"Okay, we can talk about it, but what should I call you? You can call me Wayne."

"You can call me Wakhaic, Wayne boy."

With that, he invited us into his shop, and I immediately understood why other blacksmiths called for him.

This guy is really proficient in his job.

After going inside, I started explaining the things in my mind.

And Wakhaic's proficiency immediately showed itself. The moment I started explaining things about my magic and how it works, he started to draw some blueprints.

It is like he imagines how my magic would work in his mind.

After he took some notes, he asked me to show my magic to understand better how it works, and I didn't refuse either.

After displaying how my magic works, both Eina and Wakhaic had weird expressions on their faces.

"Boy, you know your magic is amazing, right? I have never seen something like this before. It doesn't require a chant, and you can use it simply by imagining it seems. I have pretty much understood most of the things about your magic, and I will design five blades for now. What do you say? From the looks of it right now, you can't control more than one blade, and five blades will do at least you level up."

He said and explained what he would do about it.

"Yes, yes. Wayne-kun, you must be careful while using your magic. Although it doesn't require a chant, it will also be hard for you to manage your mind consumption since it keeps draining your mind continuously."

Eina also remarked that.

But I have already thought about this, and it won't be a problem, at least for now, since according to the strength or defense of the enemy I attacked, the magic consumption also changes. But at least on the first four floors, it worked just fine.

"I see. Then, can I see the blueprints of the blades, and how would they look? And how much would it cost?"

I asked since the important part is that it should be within the range of my budget.

"Well, I quite liked you and your different way of thinking. You gave this old man some inspiration in his work, so I won't charge you too much.

It will cost you 20k for each blade, but if you decide to work with me in the future regarding these blades, they will cost you 15k each. What do you think?"

He asked me.

It seems he has good eyes for adventurers.

Eina mentioned that one of the most important things for adventurers while looking for equipment is making connections with the rising blacksmiths.

But this is also valid for another way around.

For blacksmiths, it is important to find future high-class adventurers and make connections with them as well.

And Wakhaic seems to understand some of my unique features.

Well, I won't refuse such an offer either since he is also a proficient blacksmith.

"Okay, I accept your offer. I will buy all of them. But when will they be ready?"

I decided to buy them since I have enough money right now.

Well, I can't buy katanas right now, but it is fine, isn't it? It is not like I am short on time, either.

Right now, I have approximately 80k Valis, and this will be enough for now, at least.

And I will buy mind potions in the future as well since I will try to develop my magic stat to the max.

"They will be ready tomorrow; you don't need to worry. You can come here before you go to the dungeon. I will personally hand them over to you."

With that, the deal was finished, and we exited the shop after paying all the money required.

Normally one can also use the bank accounts in the guild, and it seems it would be a better option rather than giving all those money hands to hand.

Since right now I have at most 5k Valis, I decided to quit shopping for today at least.

Until I heard Eina saying…