
Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want to support me; I have 15 chapters ahead there.

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I also started posting a new novel named "Erotic RPG: I am in a game, but my Heroines are Villainesses" you can check it out if you want.

Then without making you wait too much, enjoy the chapter.


After Wayne went to sleep, there was a certain blue-eyed goddess looking at him with a gentle gaze.

"You are really working hard for our family. Then I should do my best as well. I won't give up, Hephaestus, no matter what, I won't give up."

She said, and after combing the hair of that black-haired boy, she went to sleep as well.

After that, the night was peaceful, at least in the abandoned church…




Just like normal, I woke up at dawn and started to finish my daily workout routine, but this time it was heavier than normal.



- You need to work out to have a good body physique and good appeal to the opposite gender.


- 150 push-ups

- 150 sit-ups

- 150 squads

- 40m spider crawling

- 15km running

- All the above are daily quests, and they will reset every day


- Increase in the improvement rate of stats


- You shall be impotent for the rest of your life

Just like I expected, the moment my stats went past a hundred, the quest updated, and I needed to run for another 5 km.

Well, it is not like I don't understand.

In order to improve yourself, you need to put yourself in situations that make you uncomfortable. You need to seek the things that make you get out of your comfort zone. This is how you improve.

While thinking like that, I started doing push-ups.

And just like the first day, it made me pretty much exhausted, but I finished it.

After that, I did sit-ups and squads simultaneously and finished them not as hard as push-ups.

After finishing the spider crawling, I started running since it would take a bit of time.

I was right; it really took time since I ran pretty much 45 minutes to finish 15 km.

Although I could finish it faster, I didn't push myself too hard and ran while sometimes slowing down to adjust my breathing.

But I can see myself improving.

My legs' condition, their capacity, everything is improving.

I think after I finish this training, with the looks of my body, my physical capacity will also improve.

After finishing the training, I started walking to the dungeon, but not before I changed my clothes in the church.

Although I have my inventory, I mostly use that to store my weapons, my magic stones, and my potions, so there is not enough space to put too many clothes there.

Although I am keeping some clothes in that place, I will use them in case of losing my clothes in the dungeon.

With that, I went to church, changed my clothes, and started walking to the dungeon.

But, I didn't forget to take the bento Syr prepared from her.

After taking the possible abnormal resistance maker, I went to the dungeon since Babel Tower is also above it, and I will take my weapons from Wakhaic's workshop. After that, I will directly dive into the dungeon.

Since my magic is improving at a rapid rate, I think I can improve my connections with blades after some training in the dungeon, and I don't think it will be that hard.

With that thought in my mind, I reached the Babel Tower.

I don't know why, but every time I went to the dungeon, I felt like I was being watched by someone, and it gave me chills every time I felt that way.

It feels like this certain someone is caring about me, but at the same time, he/she is not planning something good.

But there is nothing I can do for this person aside from being careful in the dungeon in case of something happens in there.

With those thoughts in my mind, I reached the workshop Wakhaic showed me, and the moment I reached there, I heard the sound of Wakhaic calling me.

"Yo, boy. Come here, and your blades are ready."

The moment I heard that I got excited, and my heart started beating faster.

I feel like I can finally use my magic to a better extent.

"Pardon my intrusion."

I said and went in.

After that, it was pretty much the same, and I got my blades.

"Here, take those. I also made a belt for you since you can't always carry them with your magic. This way, you won't waste any mind carrying those weapons, and you can also put some other things on your belt as well."

Wakhaic said and showed me the belt he had made.

It looks cool, I guess, and it seems this belt is made of high-quality material.

But the thing I am looking for is not some belt. I am looking for my weapons, my blades.

"Old man, show me my blades. I can't wait any longer."

I said impatiently, and seeing my enthusiasm, he didn't make me wait any longer either.

He went and took a salver with some blades on them.

Ah, he really made them aesthetic, didn't he?

Although the materials are not top-notch, it is not like I paid too much money either.

"Boy, these blades will cut through any monsters with enough power, and they will be strengthened with your magic as well. Although I couldn't make them too powerful with that money, later, when you make more money, I will make you some better equipment. But those blades will be enough for you, at least until you are level 2."

He said and gave the blades to me.

The shining five blades look really elegant in the first place. I think I am finally ready to reach the fifth floor and other floors.

"Thank you, old man. I will bring those weapons to you to maintain. You are okay with that, right?"

I said and started walking out of the shop.

"Yes, bring them to me. It will be tough for another blacksmith to understand how those blades work to maintain them in their best condition. And good luck with the dungeon today; I hope you won't need that tho."

At that moment, I remembered something. Since I have money, let's take a look to see if I can find a good katana here.

"Hey, old man. Do you have any curved blades at your disposal? I was looking for a katana-type weapon, but I couldn't find anything like that."

I said.

"I have some curved blades, but will you be able to afford them? They are pretty expensive, you know?"

He said while giving me a smug grin.

This guy… He is trying to provoke me while motivating me at the same time.

"How much are they? Show me."

"They are 150k. Will you buy them?"

He said.

It seems I won't be able to buy new weapons for today, not that I need them urgently in the first place.

"Okay, okay old man. You win. Are you happy now?"

I said and started leaving the shop.

"Hahaha, you made this old man laugh; good luck in the dungeon, kid."

He said, and after that, I left the shop to dive into the dungeon…