
Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want to support me; I have 15 chapters ahead there.

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After I heard the names Hephaestus gave to the swords, honestly, I was pretty dumbfounded.

I mean, she gave them the name 'Day and Night'.

Although the name itself doesn't sound that bad, it still feels pretty simple.

Anyway, it is what it is, so the black one is probably Night, and the white one is probably day.

At that moment, I heard the system's sound in my head.

I see, so these weapons are one of the best out there since the system has never acknowledged any other weapon before.

"Then, Wayne-kun, let's update your status. Since the last time we updated your status was a week before, and you must have improved quite well, shouldn't you?"

Hestia said with a bit eager tone. It seems like she wants to see my improvement.

"Okay then, Kami-sama. I will lie down on the bed."

Well, as you heard, I didn't update my status for the last week.

That was because I didn't want to get over myself and maximize my gains while maintaining my stats.

Since without updating your falna, no matter how much excelia you have gained, you won't see any increase in your stats, and that was the thing I was also aiming for.

After lying down on the bed, Hestia sat on top of my back and dropped her blood on it just like at any other time when we update my falna.


With a classical warm feeling and shining of the room, I felt the improvement of strength as well as any other things.

I must say after I finished the workout quest issued by the system, I can now feel the changes in my body as well as other things more detailed way. That also affects my fighting positively since I can now control my strength properly, and I can integrate my techniques in a more efficient way as well.

"Wow, you are really improving at a fast rate, aren't you, Wayne-kun? Look at those stats; it feels like you are cheating, and that makes me feel a bit weird."

Hestia said, giving the status sheet to Wayne.


Level 1

· Strength: 376 F

· Endurance: 350 F

· Dexterity: 402 E

· Agility: 411 E

· Magic: 602 C


- Blade Dancer


- Narcissus Thyme

'Hmm, that is certainly a good improvement, but I don't think it is that good considering my stats were growing at a much faster pace in my first days of adventuring.

"Well, I don't think it is that good, tho. It doesn't feel like I grew too much since that day."

Wayne said while sulking a bit.

'It feels a bit lacking when I compare myself with the growth of Bell. He leveled up in just one month, and if I remember correctly, he must have had stats like this when he fought with Silverback, no?'

Wayne thought, but at that moment, he suddenly remembered something.

'Wait, wait. I always had the feeling that I had forgotten something very important, and now I remember. Shouldn't Bell have appeared around this time? Considering the timeline of Danmachi, why have I never encountered him?'

I thought and started thinking about Bell and what is he doing right now, forgetting Hestia was still there.

"Wayne-kun, if some other adventurer heard you, they would be coughing blood right now. Do you understand what you are saying? Your growth is simply unheard of, and still, you are saying this is not enough?"

Hestia said while sulking a bit.

Well, she is right, but that doesn't mean I can't compare myself with Bell. Normally I was also going to increase my stats as much as I could, but I started seeing the difference in my parameters.

Like my magic was always increasing at a faster rate than my other stats. My agility and dexterity stats were also getting a bit ahead.

And that made me want to slow down since my strength and endurance stats started getting behind.

Most people don't like that, I presume, since from the things I observed and heard, generally, the adventurers would increase two or one of their stats to B or C, and then they would level up.

However, that comes with a big disadvantage.

No matter how fast one level up, the higher you get, the harder it will get for this person to increase their stats.

And, when you are facing the same enemy level as you, the difference between the hidden stats will come in handy no matter what.

Since the moment you level up, you won't be able to change the stats you saved before, it feels like a waste not to fill all my stats to the maximum.

I don't know if I have some sort of limit breaker like Bell had, but even if I don't have one, I will still stay at level 1 until all my stats reach maximum.

That was the reason I didn't improve too much back then.

I was trying to maximize the improvement in my strength and my endurance while limiting my agility and dexterity.

Well, even though limiting my magic was easy, it was pretty hard to limit my dexterity and agility.

I first fought on the first four floors while wearing weighty armor to limit my movements as much as I could, and that was pretty effective.

Thanks to that, I was able to go for a more Jack of All trades mode.

Anyway, the thing about Bell is still bothering me.

It feels like something very important is changed about the story of this world, and it feels like it will affect my future.

"Hey, Wayne-kun. Are you not hearing me? Why are you not replying?"

At that moment, I heard Hestia saying something.

"Ah, sorry for that Kami-sama. I was immersed in my thoughts. What were you saying?"

I said while apologizing to Hestia since it looked like she was a bit angry.

"Humph, if you don't wanna listen, then I won't talk either."

"Sorry, sorry. It was my fault, okay? Please don't be mad."

"Humph. Anyway, I was saying we didn't go out for the last month, and I think we both deserve a bit of free time. I heard that the Monster Feria would start tomorrow. How about we watch it? It would be a good change of pace as well."

Hestia said while looking into my eyes.

It seems she has something in her mind since my senses are screaming at me that I shouldn't refuse her offer right now.

Well, it is not like I am in a hurry or something, so why not take it a bit slow?

"All right, let's see watch the festival tomorrow then. As you said, we both deserve a good rest."

With that, we decided to watch Monster Feria, not knowing the dangers lurking out there…