Loki Familia 3

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Then without making you wait too much, enjoy the chapter.


After Wayne left the girls and went his own way, Hestia and Bell started walking together. Although Hestia is an understanding goddess and a warm person, she still was unable to get familiar with her new member in just 3 or 4 hours.

Therefore, there was a weird atmosphere between those two since Bell, too, was not talking either. She knew this girl already had a crush on Wayne-kun. Her little movements, everything, indicate that. Although when it comes to these kinds of things, she is still a bit immature, that doesn't mean her womanly instinct are not intact or anything. So, she already accepted this girl as a threat.

However, the dead was already cast, so she decided to break this atmosphere and have a talk with her new familia member alone. In the first place, Hestia knew, for now, the reason she got to know Bell was Wayne and his actions, so it was no wonder the girl hadn't opened up to her yet.

But she was determined to change that. As a goddess of her familia, even though she knew this girl was a threat, she still cared for her. It was in her own nature, after all.

'Sometimes, you need to take matters into your own hands.' She thought while making a determined expression.

However, suddenly Bell turned her head to Hestia and asked;

"Kami-sama, do I really smell that much? Will Wayne-san dislike me now?"

She said with slight tears in her eyes.

"Cough. It is not that much, don't worry. You would be okay after a clean bath. I am sure Wayne-kun wouldn't mind it either, knowing your circumstances. He is not that kind of person."

'This girl, it seems she is still insecure about herself after all this rejection she went through. Uh, I really want to punch those bastards in the face right now.'

She thought in her head while answering Bell.

"Really, will he not hate me?"

"No, he won't. Don't worry. And, it is not like we can't get rid of that smell either. Come with me, let's buy you some new clothes and take a bath together. It is your first day of our familia, you shouldn't be sad, but be happy instead. So, raise those cheeks a little, okay?"

Hestia said while grabbing Bell on her cheeks, caressing them slowly.

"Ah, you are right. I should be happy."

Saying that Bell put a bright smile on her face. If Wayne was here, he would think, 'Yes, this is the smile of a protagonist of the series. This is the smile I wanted to see.'

Seeing the bright smile on Bell's face, Hestia smiled like a mother who saw her children playing happily with other kids.

"Let's go, Bell-chan. Follow me, and let me show you how to dress like a proper lady."

Hestia said, grabbed Bell's hand, and started pulling her.

'Albeit, I don't know much about those things either. But, we will figure it out somehow.'

Thinking that Hestia led Bell to the bath. On the way of the bath, it looked like Bell was opened up more to Hestia, and she was happy with that too.

The fact that the scars on her little familia member's heart were slowly healing made her happy as well.

Bell talked about the things she wanted to do before coming to Orario, her grandfather's stories, and why she chose to become an adventurer.

And Hestia talked about those little adventurers she had in Heaven, talked about her god and goddess friends, the things Wayne did, and how she was scared of losing him in the beginning.

Just like that, the bonding evening between a girl with white hair who had just found her familia and a goddess who was just happy with the smile on her new child's face started.


An adult within a child's body was slowly scratching the itching thumb on his hand. He knew when such a thing happened; there would always be something that would change the fate of those around him drastically. And, right now, his thumb was itching a little bit; even though they were just drinking and eating in an inn, they were always visiting frequently.

Finn Deimne was trying to figure out that little itchy feeling on his thumb, so he was looking around to see if there was any danger or not.

'Hmm, that black-haired boy is listening to our conversation, but he doesn't look strong. But why is the itchy feeling on my thumb getting stronger when I look at him?'

He thought while looking at the young boy on the bar who was sipping his drink alone slowly. As a level 6 adventurer, his senses were pretty sensitive, so he was able to sense the gaze of that boy as well. And, he was sure that all the members of his familia here sensed, too.

However, he decided to ignore that feeling since he didn't have anything to prove that either. So, he just talked with his old friends and the members of his familia while occasionally observing their faces, also dealing with a certain clingy amazoness trying to bear his 'child' for some reason…

It had already become a habit already since he became the captain of the familia. Because almost all of those kids were scarred in the beginning, the old three executives played the role of a parent for them. You can even say they raised those kids, in a sense.

While he was checking the faces of people, he saw the little doll Ais sending quick glances toward the boy on the back. Albeit they were pretty fast, so that boy hadn't noticed that.

And when the topic came to the unfortunate event that happened today, they started talking about the new-raising adventurer who has been a hot topic today.

'The young adventurer is wielding dual swords and some weird-looking blades floating around him. That must be his magic; what a talented kid, to become a level two at that age; he looks promising.'

Finn thought inside his head; however, at that moment, he saw Ais turning his face to that boy again. But, this time, it wasn't as fast as before, so everyone at the table had already noticed her gaze changing.

Following her gaze, suddenly, Tiona made an expression saying 'naruhodo,' stood up, and started approaching the boy.

At that moment, the itching feeling on his thumb started getting stronger the more Tiona got closer to the boy, so he decided to check it to see what the deal with this boy was.

Following Tiona and greeting the boy, from the looks of it, that boy knew who they were already.

After learning that the boy was the person who defeated the Silverback and he was the one Ais talked about before, he honestly was surprised.

'Lefiya said that this boy just became an adventurer and reached the 4th floor on his first day. And that talk was a month ago. Did he really develop himself in a month enough to beat a Silverback? Or, was he lying about his time?'

He thought while looking at the boy. Thinking that he could pick some clues about him, he invited that boy named Wayne to their table, but he refused.

'Hmm, to think he would refuse an invitation from the Loki Familia. This boy sure has the guts. It seems he prefers to be alone. What an interesting kid.'

Finn thought while bidding farewell to the black-haired boy leaving.

'If what he said is really true, I can't wait to witness his development. Building some connections with him doesn't look bad, either.'

He thought while scratching his thumb and returning his table.

"The times are already changing. But, let's leave it to the youngsters."

He mumbled while looking at the faces of the new generation, knowing his thumb never failed to show him the way…