Arc 3 (7). The florists are bitches.

"Why are we always in some kind of trouble when saving a goddamn victim!?"

Currently they were saving a girl named Misha, She was a girl that loved to explore different places as inspiration for her art.

And… Dear Misha loved their features so much that she made them both stand still in a pose as she painted them.

The pose was… Might I say… suggestive or is intimate the right word…?

Li Huan's eye twitched, He wanted to crush the hand in his hold… It has been to long!

They were standing in a pose with both of them facing (glaring at) each other with Li Huan holding Zhao Fang's hand.

Zhao Fang himself wanted to push the other away but Odin kept sending him warnings and that 'It is our duty to save the victims and the only way to save Misha is by satisfying her first'.

Which is stupid!

Misha's painting theme was fantasy.