Arc 5 (13). The Charming Officers.

Li Huan was hoping that an escape route would pop out in front of him.

Yes, he was going crazy and the only thing keeping him occupied was the sewer lid on top of the ceiling.

This hideout was in a forest so nobody will save him... Might as well cause a ruckus.

Li Huan kicked the door as hard as he could but nothing happened.

"..." Li Huan threw his boot at the door but nothing happened, once again.

He shouted at the top of his lungs but it seems as if they all have gone deaf... or he has gotten mute.

Either way, nothing worked on these dumb bitches and Li Huan had no choice but to do the one thing he despises the most...

Wait for the team to rescue him like a fucking damsel in distress.

Li Huan sagged on the ground, with his back against the floor.

He began to ponder on the events that happened recently.

It was honestly humiliating that he went undercover just to be caught on the first damn day.

It was silent for a few minutes before Li Huan heard something.

A meow.