Arc 6 (10). The bartender is done with rich people.

Li Huan was panting harshly as he glared at the bookshelf in front of him.

Hong Xin had hidden both Zhao Fang and Jun Zhi in a secret room and it just had to be a bookshelf filled with millions of books!

Through his knowledge of movies, he assumed that it opened after pulling a certain book out.

He was half way to a hundred books but still no secret passage.

Now, how did he know about this room? Because he simply heard that Xue Chang entered here and started angrily shouting.

He assumes that there are different rooms and not just a single gigantic room like in those serial killer movies.

Wasn't this world associated with bars!? What the fuck is this kidnapping shit!?

He looking around, he tried to look for a book that stands out but nothing did.

All of them were boring, dull brown covered encyclopedias with gold linings on them.

Li Huan's gaze moved towards the pile of fifty books messily thrown on the floor.