Arc 9 (4). The Destruction.

Zhao Fang and Li Huan were shocked to see the red Indian type boy in the boat. They exchanged a perplexed look and cautiously stepped out from behind the rock. The boy, who appeared to be around ten years old, had long black hair and wore a headdress of feathers.

"Hello there," Zhao Fang called out to him. "Do you speak English?"

The boy nodded and replied, "Yes, I do. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"We're trapped in this cave," Li Huan said, stepping forward. "Do you know a way out?"

The boy looked at them for a moment before saying, "I might be able to help you. But you'll have to come with me."

Without further explanation, the boy turned his boat and started sailing away. Zhao Fang and Li Huan exchanged a glance before following him.